Saturday, February 24, 2007

Just plain mad!!!


I feel like this right now,not the smiling part,but the attiude is pretty thoe.

Good moring all,

                Hope you all having a good one.I am doing alright here,till the dang phone rung at 7:30,woke me up,I was like who is calling now and low and behold,it was work,wanting me to come int at 2 to 7.I asked did someone call out and She just do you want to come in or not?I said no,I dont feel good.I dont feel good.I am just mad,because,they want to have me come in and close all the time.I am getting tired of it.Now I will feel guilty because I didnt go in.I really dont feel good,.I started you know what.I rather just stay home and not going anywere.Now what gets me is,mo Boss wont call,She always gets someone else to do it for Her.That is so lame.The one who called and asked me if I wanted to come,had a little attiude,all because I wanted to know if someone called out.She didnt tell me,She just said,do you want to come in or not.Maybe no one called out and She just needed the help.But yesterday,the Boss was like,She didnt have any hours to spare.and they said they was alright.Now,I am going to feel guilty for the rest of the day.Just because I said no,I dont want to go in.Plus,I am not feeling good.I also had plans to go out with my boyfriend today after He got off at 2.hey always want to mess me up,mess my day up,my plans and making me feel guilty because I said no.I know I wasnt going to call my boyfriend in right after She called,because,I knew the Boss would probllay pick the phone up.They cant hurt my hourrs,no more than its already been hurt.Now,I am just fet up,will be thinking about this all day.Why do they do this to me?Wanting me to close!!!!!!!!!!!I am tired of it.Now I am just plain mad.Do you think they will hurt my hours?I dont know why She just didnt tell me if someone called out.Ok,someone tell me not to worry about it and everythingwill be alright.I am just ticked.Thanks guys for listning to me vent,yet again.I know I want the hours.But its not fair that I have to come in and work 2 to 7.Dont get me worng,I am greatful that I have a job,I am.Butm,it just makes me mad because,I asked them yesterday if they wanted me to come in and they said no.They need to get a am going to try and not worry about it.I think I am going to goo back to bed.I hope you all have a nice day/weekend better than I am having one right now.Be safe and warm out there.Peaceout.



Anonymous said...

O-well, at least you had a choice.  You said "No'.  I agree, don't feel bad about it.  The decision was made and nothing you can do about it now.  Have a nice day.  :)    Tracy

Anonymous said...

If you feel bad, you flat out don't go in, that simple.  Do not feel guilty for how you feel.  There will be many days of work ahead.  Hope and pray you feel better, get some good rest...take a break, go out.  Have a wonderful weekend...most of all,