Monday, February 26, 2007

his is not a good Monday!!!


Good moring all,

             Well,I hope you all had a good night better than I did.I got no sleep,I am in a mood,not a good mood.Feel like going back to bed,staying in bed,but,I cant.I am glad I got the hours,but,come on now,this is getting on my nerves.They call me at 7:30,want to know if I can come in,I was like I dont if I can even get out of the drive way,of course She was like its not bad out there so I said yeah,I will be there.I was half alseep,mumbling ,She couldnt understand me.Well,go figure,for someone who couldnt sleep,went to sleep later than 2 because of my hand was bothering me to much and still is.I feel like its a needle point going through my hand.They messed up everyones hours,there was a gap ,meaning,no one would be there till someone came in at 4.Why me?I am cranky,tired and not in the mood.I cant go back to sleep now,because,I need to do a few things around here.This really stinks.I am about to tell my Boss She better get hours stright,but,I am not going to tell Her.She said She doesnt write the hours,but,all dapartment managers write there own hours.She made a boo boo,now I have to pay for it.Yes,I am glad for the hours.Dont get me worng.But you cought me on a bad day of no sleep.I took to many pills last night,well,I took my normal regular night pills to help me sleep,than,I took 2 of my Arthitis pills.Now they are kicking in.I feel all doped up.My mouth is dry.this is not a good Mom is getting on my nerves.Sorry,just venting.But,maybe things will get better,things will look up.I was even thinking of having one of my co workers spend the night with me go to work tommrow when I have to be there at 4 to 8.If She doesnt work,She can just walk home from work,She doesnt live far.But we will see how the day,my Mom is bugging me,so,I better get off of here and get going.Have a nice day all.Be safe and warm out there.Peaceout.



Anonymous said...

Do you have carpal tunnel syndrome?  The shooting pain would be the indicator.
Try not to use your hand so much.  Give it a rest.  also, wear a brace whenever you can.  They sell the at any drug store.  Some are soft like a glove with cut out fingers and some are hard with a piece of metal.  Good Luck.  ;)     Tracy

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tracy...I wondered the same thing...please get some rest...don't overdo that hand or wrist...may the day get better,
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I know it is hard to work when you are so worn out. I am proud of you for going in even when you don't want to. That actually says a  lot. Your boss will not forget this.

Anonymous said...

It IS hard to work when you are tired and not feeling your best, but you went. That says a lot about the kind of person you are. Big hugs, hon. I am so proud of you.

Anonymous said...

nice tag and mondays are never good for me.

Anonymous said...

I hope you had feels better in th morning and that you get a goods night sleep.

Anonymous said...

AWWWW I hope you day gets better and you get better rest tonight!!!!  Praying for your pain...Hugs,TerryAnn