Saturday, February 10, 2007

Its Sat already!


Good moring all,

                  I hope you all had a good night sleep.I know I did.It felt good to.I actullay feel pretty good to.So what does everyone have paned for this weekend?Nothing here for me,work,than home.On the weelends,boyfriend and I dont get to see eachother,because,we work diffrent hours,but,we get to see echother a little bit on Sunday.What is everyone planning for Valtines Day?We are susposed to get a big snow storm,how ever they keep changing the weather,so,we dont know for sure.Boyfriend and I usllay go out the day before.But we might wait till next week.I already got Him something.I saw it at the stoor,when Mom and I went to get something for last night dinner.Its a Teddy Bear in a basket,the teddy bear says Kiss Me on so cute.and it has a litte candy with it.I might get Him an apple pie.Hes not much on swees.But Hes sweet enough for was filling out my Valtines for the kids.I need to send the ones to my Brother in London first.I had Johny Depp,Pirates of the cariben for the boys and Tinkerbel for the girls.I love both of them.They had a post in the box with the Pirates one.I am keeping that and putting it on my know,I am week,I bought theeses wall decortations.Right now I have butterflies on the wall.I have some flower ones to.Well,it looks like rain here.I cant belive this week is going by fast.Well,I better get off of here and get a fwe things done.I hope you all have a nice weekend.Stay warm and safe.Peaceout.



Anonymous said...

Yes, it does look like we are going to get lots of to do a lot of running around on Monday for me.  You and Gary, have a great day on Valentines day....the Teddy Bear, sounds so are his sweety!!  That's all he needs.  Hope you have a great weekend...stay warm, Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

you and your boyfriend have a great v-day. Happy you got a good nights sleep.