Saturday, February 17, 2007

Frustated over work,had to get it off my mind.No graffic in this entry.

yes,its me again,I wanted to talk about work,get it off my mind,so,I can sleep.I was talking to one of my coworkers one day about hours,me wanting more hours.She was like,you have a boyfriend,you dont need hours.I wasnt happy She said that.Theeres this other co worker who does get hardly any hours,She is even underneath me,I been there longer than She has.With this weeks weather,its been nasty.They called Her into work just about everyday,even Sat,when She was susposed to be off and I had the day off to.Why didnt they call me in to see if I wanted to work.I am going to say something tommrow.Because thats not right.If they doing that just because I have a boyfriend,thats bull.I am just a little fad up with work right now.I might even ask them,did Tiffany work yesterday?My boss always catches on if I am upset.So,we shall see.Thanks for listning to vent.Just needed to get this off my mind.Ok,I am going on.Peaceout.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for stoppin by my journal. I will tag the graphic with your name and send it to you soon as possilbe.  As of the moment the only other disney movie I have tubes from is "CARS". I get most of my tubes from online groups.  Have a nice weeknend and stay warm.

Anonymous said...

hope your having a better day and that things are fixed at work soon.
bella x

Anonymous said...

Just remember a few things. Here is what I tell my children. 1. Never say anything mean or negative. 2. You never know what is really going on in someone elses life. I do understand about wanting more hours, trust me there will plenty of time for work.