Tuesday, October 17, 2006

This Bites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sounds like a personal problem to me.lol.My work calls me and wants to know if I can come in and work from 4 to 8,I kinda fibed,ok,I lied and said I had a Doctors app,which they always know I have a Doctors app.They said to call be even if I couldnt make it.What they going to do now,make me felel guilty because someone called out.Its been like this for the last few weeks,someone calling out.I never call out,unless,I am really hurting,I mean,really hurting.So,I am usllay good about that.But I dont want to have to hear about it tommrow,even thoe my oss will be off,dont want to hear it from anyone else.You want the hours,you should take it.I do want the hours,but,I also had plans.Should I feel guilty?Ok,I know I shouldnt have lued,but hey,its my life.They really need to get there act together and get that sedcual worked out like it used to be!!!!!Which I am still kinda ticked off with that one to.I do want to take off this Sunday and it is time and a half for Sunday and I know,i probllay wont have any money comming in,but its not the end of the world.lol.I am just fet up with work.I am taking my 2 days off they gave me,well and Thurs unless the put me on to work.They just really bug me sometimes and dont get me worng,I love my job,love what I do,even thoe it can be a pian in the butt.I shouldnt have to be working in the evening,I would today if I didnt have plans.Somehting like this always happends and I feel guilty because I should go in.Not my falt.It wasnt even the boss calling me,it was a co worker who called.Pain in my.you know what.I am not even going to tell my Mom,because,She would say,you should of went in,bla,bla,bla.lol.I wouldnt do me no good,No one is around to take me anyways,my Mom is,but,Shes been really tired,helping my Sister,Shes been over there staying the night because my brother n law was out of town and I dont want Her out there driving in this nasty weather,which it is rainng really hard.I could have went,but,hey,its my day off,so,its my choise,right?But I know,I shouldnt have lied.They do it all the time,I know,its not right.So tell me not to feel guilty.lol.It just really makes me mad!!!!!!!!!I know my Dad wouldnt like picking me up tonight anyways,even thoe He has to take me tommrow and pick me up tommrow night.lol.I did mentioned to my boss the other day,how long will I be working theeses crazy odd hours on the weekends,I dont mind once in a while,but come on now,some people need a brake,like me.Am I complainging to much?Should I worry?Should I let it go?What?Tell me,I AM GOING NUTS!!!!!lol.I was on the other line talking to my boyfriend when She called.lol.Have a good one all,I am waiting for Him to pick me up.We had plans.This is my day off!!!!!!If they want me to work Thurs,I will.lol.Peaceout.This really bites!!!!!!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

well, it's your day off, so enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Don't go in on your day off.  They'll expect it and count on you and use you.  It's your day and it's THEIR problem.  No guilt young lady.  None is due you.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy YOUR day off ~ and feel no guilt!  Millie x http://journals.aol.co.uk/millieukgirl/milliesmessings

Anonymous said...

Let me ask you something....  Are you trying to convince me that you have a right to take your day off, or are you trying to convince yourself????  Your time is your time...  It seems that you are feeling guilty about the lie.... You may not feel so bad about it if you had just said.... "no, I am sorry, I am waiting for my B/F, we have plans, but I can help you out on Thurs if you need me to."
Please don't feel that I am judging you about the lie,,,,  I have lied to my job before too, but I always found that I felt guilty about it, so I just started practicing saying....NOOOOOOO!  Say it, it is really easy.....NNOOOOOOOO!!!!  You do not owe your job more then your schedule says you do....  You have a right to have a life...  Don't let anyone make you feel that you ever have to do something you don't want to, and that includes  work.....

Hope you had a good time with your B/F   {{{wink wink}}}