Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Good moring yal.

Hi all,

                                                                                                 Good moring.Hope you all is having a good one.I am actullay having a good one myself.Even thoe,I feel like going back to bed.Good thing I called my doctors app and asked them what time it was,its at 12,when I thought it was at 1:30.lol.Oh well.nothing much here today,just getting a few thigns done.I am starting to like fall so much now with all theese wodnerful pretty fall graffics.I took this one form Sugar.lol.Tonight is date night,usllay is,since boyfriend is off on Weds.We usllay just hang out,He usllay gets me a Dvd sicne today is NEw Relese day.And you all know what I have been waiting for sooooooooooooo long.Thats right,THe little mermaid,I love that move,one of my faves next to Beatuy and the BEast.I hope they come out with that one next.I dont understand why they bring out the good ones,only for a limted of time and put back into the valt.lol.I was thinking about getting into the paint shop psps,but,not sure,so if anyone has any ideas were I get the program,how I can get started.Thank you.I am going to Bestbuy today.Anyways,I better get off of here and get a few things done.I hope you all have a ncie day and I will chat with you later.Peaceout till now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your Fall tag...this one is adorable.  You may like doing PSP and I bet you would be good at it...give it a try...hugs and love,