Saturday, October 14, 2006

I am so stressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok,so I always know I always start with,hope yal are having a nice weekend.I really do hope you all are.But,right now,I am just a little bumed out with work,my hours.I am still upset,glad that I have a job that gave me my health insurance.But,I think its tottlay not fair that I have to work theeses crazy hours and someone who is under me,works early in the moring.Just not fair and its been really bothering me.I think I am finally going to have to say something to the manager.I mean,I been working for about 7 years,did my plenty of share working nights,closing,ect.Ok,lets step this back a little bit.Now,I know,I had mentioned that my Dad was getting a little tired of getting up so early in the moring to bring me in,at 6.I understand that.But the boy who is underneath me,He gets to come in at 8,I can come in at 8,He does what I used to do.I am jsut fet up,its not fair.I dont know how to stand up for myself,because,I dont want to upset anyone,not even my boss in the bakery dapartment.She said my hours would stay like that.I been so upset and stressed out because of this,okay,it maybe be stupid for me to act like that.But,hey,this is my job.Just because I cant do alot of things other people can.But wait a munite,the boy been comming in later hours,still doing what He needs to do in the moring.Its just not fair.I know,that I said it was hard for my Dad tkaing me in the moring,but,I can manage 8.I thought it would be diffrent this week,butit doesnt look tat way.I really dont want to upset anyone.I know hoe people talk.I am getting to the point were I dont care.Its just not fair and I dont like it.How do I stand up for myself?Ok,so yal,give me soem advice onwhat to do.I am at a loss for words on what to say.I know that your susposed to talk to your manager and not go talk to the head manager.But I dont know how to do that.But,someone relized that my hours have been changed and She works in a diffrent dapartment and knows how I feel and tells me to talk to the head boss.I had mentioned in my dapartment that why do I have to work theeses hours and someone else gets to come in the moring?They were like,you want to put the orders away and stuf like that?Oh please,When my other boss was working with us,She had me comming in the moring and the other guy come in later and still do the same thing,so,I dont understand.I really dont,I dont.I am so stressed out and my boss wodners why I get upset.Today I was in a good mood,I wasnt upset.Only thing is,if I say somehting,I dont want my hours being cut more than they already being cut,just like everyone else.So,I am clueless in what to do.If I go above and beyond,my manager will probllay be upset with me.I mean,hey,I can work a few evenings,but,come on now,every weekend?That is jsut not right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Can you tell,I am not happy?The boy that comes in the moring and when He leaves,He knows I dont like it.But something is going to be done,what,I dotn know.Maybe yal can help me out.Maybe thats why I been so stressed out,my shoudlers,every bone in my body.I know,this isnt the end of the world.But its my life.Ok,enough if yal have any advice,please let me know.I do want to say thanks to all who stop by and gave me some tricks and treats.I really love being here in J-land.But I am going to have to get off of here now and get some sleep.Have a nice weekend and a good week ahead.Be safe out there.Peaceout.Till now.Tell me this to shall pass.I AM SO STRESSED OVER THIS!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

ok Girl,  first take some slow deep breaths and count to ten.  I know how stressfull it can be when you have issues at work...  The first thing you should do is sit down with your immediate supervisor...  Stay calm.  Tell her you would like to talk to her in private.     Stay as calm as you can and just tell her the issues that you have...  Let her know why these hours are not going to work for you...  If that doesn't work, then you go above her head....  There is a chain of command, and you should always follow it...  You supervisor may be upset, but you have the right to go above her head if you feel you are being treated unfairly....  She can not take it out on you, if she does, there again is your chain of command...

The main thing you have to remember is to stay calm.. You don't want to yell or go off the handle to her, and you don't want to go in her office pissed and start yelling and crying....  You do have the right to stick up for yourself.  You have been there 7 years....  That is a long time, and that is in your favor...  Alot of times, I will practice what I am going to say in the mirror...  some times I even write it down...  Good luck and please let us know how this works out for you...
Your new Friend

Anonymous said...

I would just tell your MGR how you feel.  I wish I had advice for you, but I have never had a problem telling people how I feel.  I would just say that I enjoy working here, I like the benefits, whatever, but could you please look into putting my hours back the way they were?  Polite but strong.  Oh and speak to her privately.  She will respect you in the end even if you don't get what you want.
Good luck!