Saturday, November 11, 2006

Getting things done.Hope it stays that way.

Goodnight all,

    cid_01fc01c408abb18a30b06401a8c0-1.gif                I really need to get off of here and hit the been on here for a while.I hope you all have a goodnight sleep.I have to get up early for a change.Lets see how well I will have to be at work at 8,well,I am going in with my boyfriend at 7,so,Dad wont have to take might even let me start early,who knows.One thing,which I shouldnt worry about is,I will see one coworker who I havent see for a long time,because of hours and me being on vaction.Thats the one who asked if I was predisit.But,I am not going to let Her get to me.Shes also the one whos been complainging about me.Oh well.Anyways,I been on here,going through my graffics and pictures that I wanted and dont want.I been deleting alot of them,than going into the recyling bin and delete them from there.I hope that worked?I didnt relize ow much stuf I had in there that I didnt even use and some I was like,what was that doing in as soon as I get this taken care of,I am going to use PhotoBucket.Thats what I been using,will take me a while to download all my graffics,but thats.I am almost up to 200 graffics on is PB a good thing?I dont know anything about the other one that I see people have been using,I did sign up,but,still have no clue.So,I may just stick to PB.I like it.Anyways,thank you all so much for your wodnerful advice.Maybe sometime this week I can strighten out my private journal and some other tid I have a few days off from work.I was thinking of doing some kind of side job at home and putting it on here,but I dont know.All I know how to do is make beadded jewerly and someone else is already doing that.I just want to think about maybe doing something on the side to make a little money.Any advive would be helpfu.Ok,I really got to go to bed.I need my beatiuy know,I know,I am a bad speller.Have a good night all.Be safe and peaceout.One more thing,will that actullay work,if I keep deleting what I dont want and use,than go to my recyle bin and permently delet them there?Thanks again.


Anonymous said...

sweet dreams to you. Let me know what you decide on the graphics.


Anonymous said...

Yes, that should clear your computer of a lot of stuff if you permanently delete it from the recycle bin. I have Photobucket, it's great for storing and for finding the graphics you want. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Yes Mandy, it will delete them for good. : )  And goodnight,  even though it's now morning. lol  Love ya and GBU, Shelly

Anonymous said...

Hi Mandy, I know nothing about the technical stuff but there are a lot of experts out there.  I think its great the graphics you have managed to get on there!!  Hope you had a great sleep.  Hugs.  Terry x