Wednesday, October 24, 2007

To be contuined,


I know you all never seen me use words like this before,but,I feel like being one now.Seems like nothing ever goes the way I want it to.I was in the Doctors office,waiting there for 4 freakin hours,saw Her for a munite.I think She gave me the same thing that I had before.I told Her I think I have Restless Leg Syndrome,She wants to talk to my Arthitis Doctor about it.But thats not all.I just want to right now,just crawl under my covers and not commig out.


I know my Boyfriend waited for me,Hes mad at me,I am mad at Him,so,baiscllay were not speaking right now,who knows about tommrow.But,I dont know,the way we hung up and the way He used His words.Hes not a bad guy,and I am sure when He waks up tommrow,He will probllay feel bad about it.But,my feelings are hurt.I know He does alot for me.Now I am just crying and really dont want to talk about it.Tears are flowing.


Than I come home and my parents are being a pain in the you know what,so,my evening isnt going to well,my day off isnt going to well.Let me just get this all out in the open for you,life sucks and than you die.I am guess selfish,spoild,get my way,WHAT EVER!!!!!!!I think I really need a break.Everyone is driving me crazy.I feel like when He calls tommrow,to just leave me alone,I dont want to talk about it.I could say so many things,but,dont even know how or were to begin.Dont want people lurking around in my journal to find out how I am doing.Yes,I am being a you know what at the top of the Graffic.To be contunied.



Anonymous said...

I have had days like that when I wish I had stayed in bed.  But with one good night's sleep, things didn't seem so bad in the morning as they were the day before.  I hope the same for you, dear Mandy.


Anonymous said...

Well-you know me-I'm not one to lurk-nope -gotta stick my nose right in there.

"Portrait of a Friend"

I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts,
or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will
search for answers.

I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain,
nor the future with its untold stories.
But I can be there now when you need me to care.

I can't keep your feet from stumbling.
I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall.

Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine;
Yet I can share in your laughter.

Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;
I can only support you, encourage you,
and help you when you ask.

I can't prevent you from falling away from friendship,
               from your values, from me.
I can only pray for you, talk to you and wait for you.

I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you,
But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,
room to be yourself.

I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting,
But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces
and put them back in place.

I can't tell you who you are.
I can only love you and be your friend.
   -- Author Unknown

Anonymous said...

Get a second opinion...this doc sounds as if she wants to get you in and out and doesn't believe a word your saying. I hate doctors like that.  She should take every patient serious!  Good luck to you hun and hang in there ok.  You have friends who care about you!

Anonymous said...

yes life does suck. But there are also good times! Just think about them when the hard times hit!

Anonymous said...

{{{{HUGS AMANDA}}}} I'm sorry you had such a rotten day!!! Hang in there sweetie - it will get better.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! 4 hours is a long time! Awww sorry your boyfriend was mad at you, not your fault it took so long at the docs office. I think we all have bad days like this. I had a terrible night last night!! Late!! 2 a.m. my Shepherd got sprayed by a skunk!!!! Grrrr would like to shoot that skunk! lol Maybe you can come and help me. lol We could both smell like Lakota!! lol He stinks to high heaven!! Have a good day tomorrow and try to forget todays happenings. Hugs, Janie

Anonymous said...

sounds like u had a lovely day. I hope things getter better for you hun. You dont speak up much thats why but sometimes you cant bite your tongue.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you were disappointed with your doctor's appointment....
Hope you don't stay mad at your boyfriend too long.....
Sweet Dreams!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Yes doll, life is not always rainbows & butterflies. And every now and then we are bitches, crabby paddies, & cussign sailors. But babe, this too shall pass. And we walk on in our magic shoes.

Here's a HUG for you {{{{{{{{{{{Amanda}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Grande Ciao Bella.......Brenda

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanada, while you were being a bitch as you called it, you took time out to visit my journal and say prayers for my little friend Malachi.  I am sorry you had such a terrible day.  I see many doctors in my journey and they can really piss you off, I know yesterday I blue up at one for first time in ten years and it felt good.  Possibly got results from a different  venue as he is just my doctor, in a terrible legal matter.  He got right on the phone and helped me.  So times we must be a bitch and sometimes it produces results.  Thank you again for taking the time to pray for Malachi.  God bless hope u have a much better time as the day goes on.

Anonymous said...

{{{Amanda}}} You poor thing. And to wait so long to see the doctor and still really didn't get anything that you know you needed. My heart just goes out to you hon. Many hugs to you.