Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Its always something.


Good moring all,

                 Hope you all had a good night sleep.I slept through the night,which was good for me.But I still woke up early.Than my cell phone rings,I always have it on vibrate,so,the house phone  wont wake everyone up.Well,it was work.but the thing is,they had my other coworker call for me and tell me they want me to come in later this evening to work,I have a Drs app.Plus if the cant call me and tell me themselfs that they want me to come in,I am not doing it.That just makes me a little mad.They dont have no resecpt to call me but to cal my coworker and have Her tell me I need to come in.Shes not even a asst manager.Shes just another coworker.


I just got off the phone with Her and the Boss didnt sound to happy about me calling and She was like,why didnt you call right after my coworker called,She didnt let me finish and tell Her that I tryed calling and I got no answer.I have a Drs app and I was going to go out,but now I have to go.I dont mind going in and I dont care if the Boss was busy.But She has no right treating me like crap.When I call and ask for my hours last wekk,they got snippy with me,like,I am susposed to write them down.Than when I talked to my boyfriend,He was like,She said boyfrend and girlfriend shouldnt be working in the same stoor.No,we been working in the same stoor forever and I had no problems till now.


I hate dealing with this now,I hate going into work now,dealing with Her,when I know She doesnt like me now.Now why doesnt She call the other perosn who closes at night?She couldnt call Her and ask Her to come in?I am going in,I am going to work.We will probllay evenn have a talk about this.Now if She says,boyfriend and girlfriend shouldnt be working in the same stoor,I will be like,well,a coworker shouldnt be calling me and telling me I need to come in,I dont need to hear from Her,I need to hear it from the boss.It just makes me mad and I know we will have words.because She s busy,big woop.My old Boss would never do that.Now I have to get off of here,clean up,get ready.My day is runiened.Ok,guys,tell me how I should handel this?Tell me the right way I need to go about this,bcause,there will be words.Thank you all for listning to me and thank you for your kind and caring words.I hope you all have a nice day.I will be back later sometime tonight.Be safe and warm out there.peaceout.



Anonymous said...

Those darn bosses seem to get away with everything.  Hopefully all of your drama at work will calm down.  Good Luck!  :)
http://journals.aol.com/mrsm711/LatteDah/      Tracy

Anonymous said...

they called--you wanted hours--in a weird way God is answering your prayers.
Granted they didn't call the way you wanted them to call--but it's still hours and money.

I wouldn't say anything to the boss until she directly says something about you and your bf working together.  So she may have said it to a co-worker--that doesn't mean she's going to do anything about it or make a big deal about it.

We have a teacher at work and his wife is student teaching at our school and we all think teachers should work at different schools--and we do talk about it amongst ourselves--but we would never tell him what to do with his marriage because quite frankly it's none of our business.

Look--you're angry at your boss--you have a right to be--but I think you are letting that anger consume you.  You are wasting energy that could be better spent on getting well.  Now--I'm not saying your job isn't important to you and that your boss is right--I'm saying--the only thing you can change in this situation is your reaction to it and maybe you need to think about that.

I hope I haven't offended you.

Anonymous said...

I think you should take the hours. I am glad that you got some sleep last night.

Anonymous said...

Take a DEEP BREATH and exhale. The 'new boss' probably knows less about how things really work than you do. ...