Sunday, March 11, 2007

I am just fet up!!!


Good moring all,

                Hope you all slept well.I could of slept better,but,oh well.I will go back to sleep in a bit.I woke early again this moring,with a little pain in my neck.Maybe I slept on it worng.I have been really depressed about work,about my Boss and really dont know what to do.I am and do want to talk to the head manager of the stoor.He is on vaction for 9 days,so,I will talk to one of the good ones I Know.This is getting to be to much and is upsetting me so much.Dont get me worng,I am greatful I have a job and I have my health insurance.But I would like to talk about some things and get if off my mind.I notice that my Boss and I dont get along and I feel very uncomfortable around Her.Its not that I dont dislike Her,I do like  Her,but,not as much anymore than I did.After She said a few things to me that really hurt my feelings.And a few other things that people have said.Maybe She was going through a rough wekk,but ever since I called out that Thursday,being sick and not feeling good with my hands,She has been tottlay diffrent towards me.I probllay told you all before that when I did talk to Her and tell Her I was calling out,She was very rude,and I never ever heard a Boss say that like that to me,not even a mean Boss.when She had talked to me that day and said it was my paycheck,that I was out being sick.I was sick,what could I do?ever since that day,Shes been tottlay diffrent to me.When I went in Friday moring to pick e check up,and I was talking to Her,She was very werid around me.I am like,you know what,I just there to do my job and go home.I know She just lost a Son last year and is probllay still hard for Her,but,that is no use to treat me like that.You all probllay think its probllay nothing,but its not.Shes been distance towards me,She talks to the other co workers and like I am not even there.I was talking with 2 of my co workers last night and I was like,what,does She want me to quit?I have only 12 hours this week,I usllay always work onSundays,which is time and a half,but She gave me off,when I didnt want to be off.I am only working 3 days for 4 hours.They execpt for us to get all the work done.It just upstes me and is making me really sad.Even talking about it,makes me want to cry.Now,they know I have a boyfriend who is always there and always susports me.Now the have made a joke about it,but,now I am thinking,they think,why do I need to work when I have a good man who susports me?They said,you dont need the money,you have Gary.If thats the point,that is so dead worng!!!!!!!Ii am just so mad I dont know what to do.I have to think of alot of things this week.Like If I really want to transfer.But,I dont,because,I half think this Boss will not be staying much longer.I kinda hope and pray our old Boss comes back,which I know She wants to.Let me tell you,that bakery would be changed in no time.Its falling apart.Its messy,they have let it go big time.I just dont want to even talk about it anymore.I am a hard worker,I been there almost 8 years and She treats me like this and gives me crapy hours and people under me have more hours than I do.Well,thats fine.things will change.I am fet up with it,I just dont know what to do.Anyways,thank you all for listning to vent.I hope you all have a nice day/week ahead.Thie week is also going to  be hard on us here at hoe,with my neice and 2 nephews staying till next Wed.Just pray all goes well.Thanks a bunch for all your kind words.Be safe and warm out there.Peaceout.



Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the hard time you are having at work.  Hope it gets better for you real soon.  Have fun with your nieces and nephews.  :)     Tracy

Anonymous said...

Hi honey. I'm so sorry you're so upset. It isn't easy being around people who treat us unkindly. But unfortunately, sometimes, people are like that. I'm not saying she has a right to be as she is. I'm just saying, sometimes we have to work for people who are VERY difficult to work with. I've had too, so know how hard it can get. You just have to keep your head up, don't stoop to her level by being mean and unkind. Be respectful- but demand respect for yourself as well. Don't stress yourself out over this. Difficult as it is for you, sweetheart, it could be worse.
Much love,

Anonymous said...

I think it would be a great idea to talk to your boss when he gets back. You don't have to be holding it all in. I hope the pain in your neck goes away soon.

Anonymous said...

i told u already amanda there comes a time when u have to stop being nice to get things done right. She has someone higher then her she has a boss report plan and simple.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the the rough times. Hope it gets better soon. Have a good night.