Monday, March 5, 2007

Goodnight all!!!!


I should say,Good night all,not good almost midnight here.I took a nap when I got home with my boyfriend.I was so tired,sometimes I get so so tired,I just want to go to sleep.I am up now,but,I think I can still go back to was thinking,maybe before I go to sleep,doing a couple of neckless.Thats if I dont fall alseep.I could hardly keep my eyes open when I was with my boyfriend.


I think I am ok about work now,with you alls good advice,calming me down some.I guess this I will have to pray about.I go to work tommrow,thank goodness I work by myself tommrow night.I just hope my hands wont hurt me.this is the first time,I will b going into work late,cleaning and closing with my hands.I just have to keep my brace on my hands.Actullay I just keep it one hand,as the other one doesnt hurt as bad.ButI should probllay keep them both on both hands.My left hand,I can still feel some tingly,feels so werid.Only when I tke it off.But,I have to tak it off have a problem,when I am sleeping at night on my bad arm,it hurts,so,I try to change around.Guess what?My brother and His family,me neices and nephews,they will be here April 26,or is it March?Its one of them days,but,I know its the 26.Everyone is excited.Everyone wants to go to the airport to see them come home.They will be here for a year,than go back to England.It will be nice to have the whole family here.Oh my,you should see our house when everyone is here for the Holidays.Imagin 15 neices and nephews all together under one of fun and loads of pics will be taking.its blast.I may have to get a bigger blow up pool,which I usllay get one for the summer for the kids.I cant wait,one of them days I will ask off.But this Sunday night,is going to be a tough one,but,I think it will be ok.With my Sisters kids,yes,I get to be a kid again.You know what my Mom had in mind for the kids to do?All of us.She wants to get fake tatoos,you know the kids one,maybe some fake earings on the nose,if they have them and send them an email while they are in would be funny.well,its getting late and I should get some sleep.i hope you all have a good night sleep.Dont let the bed bugs bite.Oh yeah,the advice on the banner is a good one,thank you,who thought of that,I oldest nephew,He is a good drawer.I got just the right paper to do it on.Be safe and warm tonight.Peaceout.



Anonymous said...

The fake tatoo's & fake earings on the nose sounds like it would be real funny.
Have a good nights sleep.

Anonymous said...

i like the fake tattoo and fake earring idea. sounds like it would be fun to do. hope you have a nice day. (((((((((hugs)))))))))

Anonymous said...

That is so cool that your sister and her family are coming over for a year! I am know that you guys will have a blast.