Saturday, December 16, 2006

Its been a long day,but I did get over time.Woooohooooooooo

Good Night yal,

             This is the perfect snag tag for me tonight.Thank you Mmartinez07.I love it,it is so cute and after the day I had,I am going to go to bed when my parents come home.Ok,call me a scardy cat,because,I am a little can stay home alone,cant sleep alone,you know what I I am by myself,if there is a storm comming,thurnding,lighing,I am night my parents were on there way home and I knew the lights was going to go off,I couldnt find no flash light and called my brother and He came over,just in time for the lights to come back told HIm I was ok,so,He could go back am a about day,was crazy.Even thoe,I liked the hours,man,I am hurting tonight a little bit from the hours.They called me into work early this how it is,they call me and the day before,wanted me to stay my regular time.Well today,I went in at 9:30,was susposed to get off at 2,ok,and didnt even relize the big boss came in and said someone called out.So my dapartment boss,asked me if I wanted to stay till 6,wasnt happy at first,but,I said ok,I can never make my mind up if I am happy about I stay today till 9:30 Am till 6:00 pm,boy,I am tired,my legs are sore.I am going to take a Mobic for my arthitis.My boss,you can make some good christmas shoping m will need think we only got,what,like one moere week?Yup.Want to my boyfriend a few more things,even thoe HE says dont get me anything.Why do they always say that?I have to get my parents soemthing,this year,that is easy.I am getting my Mom a gift card from Khols,She loves that place,She can get a few outfits.My Dad,I want to get Him a gift card from Bon Evans,I really dont know what else to get Him.But I know that is about the only place He likes to eat out at.He doesnt like Outback,which I off the subject.I wanted to thank you all for trying to help me out so much with the graffic stuff.Everyone has been so kind enough to help me out so much and telling me what to do.Ds Desgins,Mmartinez07.XXroxyMamaXX.Thank you all for your help.I wanted to ask yal,I know I am getting my own Lap Top and wondered if maybe when I get it,that it would be better,since I will be on my own and not my dads?One more question before I get off of here.My boyfriend is letting my pick out my own phone,house phone,for my room.What is a good cordless brand name?I know someone out there in J-land,was upset because He told me what He was getting me,He had to because,HE had to know a few thigns about what kind of puter my Dad had,I dont do you think is better,a Lapt Top or a Desk one?I always wanted a LAp Top so I am finally getting one.He spoils me to much.I am blessed to have Him in my life,wouldnt know what I would do without Him.He knows I dont have alot of money to sepnd,but dont worry,I got Him some stuff.I did get Him this cute pjs,dont know if He will wear them or not.But I got em anyways.Its a Christmas Granch Pjs,they were,all,I am going to get off of here and go relax.Thank you all for just being you.Ok,one more question than I am anyone send Christmas cards out to the Soliders yet?I want to still send a whole bunch of them.You dont think its to late?I dont.Be safe and peaceout.If you write to the Soliders,what would write and would you put a pic of yourself in the letter?I know,I talked to much am gone.

Thank you SazzyMademe for my cute tag.


Anonymous said...

Sleep well after a long day!

Anonymous said...

can you send me the mailing address to send soldiers christmas cards? hope you had a good nights rest. enjoy your sunday. (((((((((hugs))))))))))