Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The feeling is just to much.

To be honest with you,right now,I dont even know were I am going.I can feel every sad feeling in this house right now.That it hurts to much to talk about.I feel I have lost my Mom,I mean,Shes alive and well,but,Her and I,right now are just not on good terms.I guess Her and my Sister have made up.Its like I am not even here,I am invisable and She probllay feels the same.Its like,its always my falt when things happend.I never felt this way,the kind of feeling that you lost someone,whos right in your own home.I feel She thinks I am at falt all the time.I cant breath,I cant think stright.Oh my,I feel the strangest thing happening to me right now,I can feel it in my throat and it hurts so bad,like I cant breath.I probllay shouls just got off of here and get some sleep.Thats it,its a done deal,I am crying and tears are just flowin and I really dont want anyone seeing me crying,so,I am just going to get off of here and head to bed.I love you all.Be safe and peace out.


Anonymous said...

aww hunny...
I love you dearly too.  I hope we all could work out our pestering problems with the snap of a finger, but we have to deal with issues that plague us at the moment.  but let me reassure you that time heals all...if i could, i would speed up the clock for you, but we all know that I can't possibly do that.  But what I can do is tell you that I love you, and am here for you forever.  You do know that, don't you?  No matter what, I will be here for you, and I hope you truly take this to heart.  I won't ever leave you, or watch you from a distance.  I would love to take active part in the healing of your heart, and the gathering of souls.
Love you the very most out of everyone in this entire universe!
I mean that.

Anonymous said...

Dear Amanda,
I am so sad for your situation.
So ok I hope your mom makes up soon wih you.. but don't ever forget that many people love you.

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry you are so sad. i do hope things get better. ((((((((hugs)))))))))))

Anonymous said...

aww sweetie sorry to hear this. But you know what I'm going thru right now. And know that moms are only human and make mistakes too. God should give us better instructions on raising kids,lol. But I feel in my heart to tell you go to her and just hug her,reach out. Us moms need that too. and sometimes we can't always be the first one to take that step;even if we should.


Anonymous said...

It might be time to see someone, a professional, who can help you develop strategies to deal with these feelings?


Anonymous said...

I am always thinking of you and I keep you and your Mom in my prayers for all to start getting better between you...your a sweetie...many hugs and tons of love from my house to you,

Anonymous said...

Believe me.things will get better,but it will take a little time...This seems like it was a pretty rough fight, so it may take longer than usual, but it will get better...I agree with the rest, Mama needs a hug and lots of love...even though she may have said some hurtful things...Mama's once were little girls, then a teen,  and then a married woman...but they are still the little girl they were inside, in their hearts...HUG her...she will feel better and so will you.
love ya,