Friday, December 15, 2006


Well,right now,I was trying to think of a color to use and I surly didnt want to use a bright and pretty,its not a good evening.I mean it is but I am just frustated with work.How is it that,someone who hasnt even been working there for nothing but a moneth,can ask for the whole weekend off,even thoe She was working.I on the other hand,had a problem getting home tommrow,my boyfriend gets off 2 and I was just trying to get off with Him,well,would have been nice.But,nooooooooooooooo,I had to either stay my hours or come in from 2 to 6 and someone in my dapartment would take me home.Well,I told my boss I if I can get a way in at 1,I will come in at 1 and leave at 5.I just dont get it.Its like,I kinda feel like She doesnt like me,but,I dont know.I do know She always tells me,She likes me working in the evenings because I can get things done,bascillay,She can count on me.Bla,Bla,Bla.Yeah,right.Ok,maybe She can.But come on now,give me a knows I am a good worker.But sometimes,I just,I dont know what I wish.Shes a nice boss.I dont mind the hours I work,dont get me worng.But you know,people need a break to.I am glad I have a job.I am blessed,even if I am not getting enough hours.I like my job.But you all know how it is.It can be frustating,right?Am I worng,or am I right?I just needed to vent,get it off my mind.I feel sometimes people tell me,oh you should act like that or shouldnt feel that way,you should be so lucky.I am,belive me I am.I am blessed beyond blessed,to have a job,a roof over my head,food to eat,I have my family,my friends,my guy..Theres a part in Dirty Dancing 1,if I can remember it right,I love watching that move,over and over and over again.Theres a part,where at the end,They found the money,but Patrick had to leave anyways and Bay,She reminds me of me when She said,you mean you have to leave anyways?I lost my family,I lost you,I cant do anything Patrick says,something like,you can,you can,and She says,something like,you cant do anyhting right.SOmething,watch the movie and find can watch that move aboout a thousands times.I have the 2 one,but it is not nearly good as 1.Anyways,thnaks for listning to,there was alot of traffic out there today.Have a nice evening yal,I will be back on later.I jsut got home,so,I am going to get off of here and take a shower and get a few thigns done.Be safe,be warm and peace out.I just wish I knew what I am doing worng with saving graffics.


Anonymous said...

lol it is okay to vent, and be frustrated, you can be blessed and frustrated by the same thing lol:)  i love dirty dancing also it is one of my favorite movies! i grew up on that lol i have the two disc ultimate dvd edition :)  it sounds like you and i have some common interests as we both love dirty dancing and gilmore girls :)
Have a super saturday!
Trista Marie

Anonymous said...

I never got the good hours when I worked retail because like you said the boss knew they could count on me--it was ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mandy.  I'm sorry you are feeling this way about your job.   I hope you get some more hours and I wish you the best!  I tried everything I could think of to help you with graphics.  I tell you what, just use the stuff in my Photobucket if you want for now.  Use the top link under the graphics and use them.  At least you can use something until you get it figured out.  Love and hugs, Shelly

Anonymous said...

I watch that over and over too.My fav part is-"Nobody puts Baby in the corner,then they dance---oooohhh they dance!!
He is/was then sooo sexy!!LOL