Friday, December 1, 2006

Have a great weekend all.

Good moring all,

              Hope you all had a good night lat night.I slept ok.I just put in a regular non moving grafic in I solv the myestry of what I am doing worng with the other I noticed something some graffics have diffrent names other than Gif.But,I am hoping,I will get this solved.Nothing much here today,just going into work.You ever hear that saying,another dollar,another,yes,I am very glad I have a job,even thoe it gets on my,I am sure,it does to everyone else.I feel alot better this moring.I guess,maybe I had been really tired,from what,wasnt doing much,other than maybw worrying.I guess that can wear you out.But I had a good night sleep,woke up this moring,feeling pretty good.I am drinking some hot tea,so,its helping.We have a quoet moring here in the house.Mom went over to watch my Sisters kids,while She goes to the Doctors.She was in a lot of pain with Her shoulder last night.They were here for a while lat night.I asked Her if She wanted one of my Arthitis pills,was only,it might have helped,than again,.maybe not.So,I hope they will be able to help Her out this moring at the Docs.She had one of them heating pads,not the plug in ones,but one were you just lay it on your shoulder.She was talking about She had a rough day with the kids.The kids are good kids,but you know kids.They wouldnt listen and She said,they are old enough to do what they are told KAtie to take Her colthes up to Her room,put them away,what does She do,She throws them on Her told Her last night,She better help HEr Mom and put up Her colthes,She said,Her Brothers was going to you,Shes got a younger brother,they share a room oldest,He is 11.But there good kids.I think Shes just in pain and hope She can get some help and wont be in much pain.Well,I need to get a few things done here.Been lacking my want to do it?I didnt think,I hope you all have a good weekend.Be safe out there.You all who are having snowsstorms,be safe,keep us posted on how your doing and bring out just have somehting to say,I am trying hard to figure out what I am doing worng with the graffics.Someone comes around and tells me to take the graffic out.I am sorry I didnt save it the right way.Give me a break,I am trying to figure out what I am doing worng.Thanks for the people who are helping me figuring that out.I Am sorry again if I used anyones graffics the worng way.


Anonymous said...

Amanda;  I know you love us and I know you wasn't feeling well too.  I'm sorry about your sister as well.  Good kids don't always do what they're told but they're still good kids.  It's just time to remind them sometimes who is running the show.  Not them.  Consequences major for the attitude and rebellion. It's time.  I know when you don't feel well it's hard to do though.  
Anyway, big hugs and hope you do well at work today.  By the way, my name is Nelishia and the NATL part means IN ATLANTA. lol

Anonymous said...

please take my graphic out of this entry its not animated like i created it.

Anonymous said...

hope you have a great weekend.