Friday, December 29, 2006

Not feeling good at all.

Before I start,I am trying to pick a color and stay with it,I like the one I am using,the green one.What do oyu all think?Or if you all have any other colors in mind.Thankie.

Good moring all,

              Hope everyone is having a good start of the weekend here.For me,I dont feel its a good one.I am feeling sick,I feel icky all over and have a pain on the left side of my stomach.I just feel awful.I dont feel like going into work today,but,I will.My boss usllay works late today,not sure if She if She is working late today because of our astt manager in our dapartment is out.But I will tell you,its been a long time I felt this way and feeling like I am going to throw up.My head hurts,my ears hurt and my eyes.Sorry if I am complaining.I guess its a good thing I am not having anyone over for New Years.I think I am going to ask for Sunday off.Even thoe,SUn and Mon are time and a half.I got up early this moring so I can get some thigns done,clean my room before the peopel come in and hook me up to my own inter net.Wooooooohooooooo.I am excited about that.I will have comcast,but,I also have a free disc to aol.I hope they come early,because,I have to be at work at 1.And my boss said I can come in when ever they get done.Its between 11 and 2.This house feels so cold right now,usllay does,feels more colder in here than outside.Anyways,I thought I would come on here and say good moring and let you all know I am thinking of you all.I will still have my journal,because,Dad still has His puter down stairs,which I am in hope you all have a safe and fun Happy New Years.I will probllay be in bed before 12 on New Years usllay am.Be safe and peaceout.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do hope and pray you feel better...I don't want you sick, anytime at all...please stay in bed...get better...see a doctor if need be...many hugs and love, above all...Happy New Year, my dear friend...hugs and love,