Friday, December 1, 2006

I know I am only making it worse for myself.I cant get another job right now,because this is the only job that I have right now.I know that I am the only one who can make things right.I feel right now,I am at my last drop,falling into the dark pit and just want to give up.Still knowing there are alot of people who care.Thats only reason why I dont give up.If I had a pain killer,let me tell you,I would be alseep right now.I know,yeah,I am making things worse only for myself.I just wish sometimes people can just give me a break and leave me alone or I dont know.I look at myself,right now and I am madt,hating life and I dont know what to do.I used to love my job,I was happy and I am,kinda,sorta,ok,maybe,I feel they dont see the kind of person I am.Right now,I feel like an outsider.If anyone says anything to me tommrow and they better not.So,what is it going to take?The reason I cant give up this job is because I have health insurance,I cant give it up.I have my shots to think about.I have alot to think about.I know,theres more people worse off than I am.So,I guess thats about it.I think I am just going to get off of here and try and relax.If anyone wants to try and reach me.I guess I have my cell on mobil.


Anonymous said...

not sometimes all the time people should give you a break you are doing well as a woman and you work hard and its okay that u stop animating my tag just for now on you know what to do right i hope you start feeling better about your self you cant change the way people think about you but you can change the way it affects you so make sure you turn into a stone cuz sticks and stones may break your bones but words can never kill you some words can hurt but so what.

Anonymous said...

tomorrow is another day maybe it will be better....:) Molly