Saturday, November 24, 2007

I am mad.


Ok,its tottlay not fair,I asked off for tommrow and now I have to work.I hate it.I am mad and not happy.I am tottlay upset that I have to go in early.She going to know when I go in,that I am not a happy person.I will go in,do what I have to do and leave.I dont even want to talk to anyone.I am so mad,I am crying.I was so looking forward to having off tommrow.Its just not fair,because,we dont have the people who want to work.They depend on me.I am so sick and tired of it.Even thoe,I go in at 5 and get off at 9:30.Its stll not fair.I dont like it one bit.I am sooooooooooo freaking mad.Peaceout.



Anonymous said...

well,hun-you gotta start standing up for yourself-when asked say-sorry can't do it-Made plans-can't get out of it-just like the little PETS do-the ones who ALWAYS get by with coming in late-never working over,never coming in to work on a scheduled day off...just don't LET them do it to you...they will-only if they can...........

Anonymous said...

You need to just say that you are flying out of town or have to pick someone up at the airport and you wish you could help how terrible of the other worker to put them in a spot like that..ususally you help...but dang it this time you can''t!  Hope your weekend turns around for ya!  Hugs,TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

That does stink! These are the days I love teaching...nice little break now & then off after the 14th of Dec! :-) I do have colleagues at other school that have winter break from Thanksgiving on...I wish I had that! Think positive! Maybe you'll meet some lovely positive spirits tomorrow and have some laughs!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you didn't get time off and they called you in to work. hugs, Janie

Anonymous said...

This happened to me all the time when i worked in the bakery dept!  We had younger ones in there that just did not want to work!  Sorry you get stuck with the mess!