Thursday, November 22, 2007

I am just to stressed.


I will get to alerts when I can and yes,I want some snow.But it was nice today.

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all is having a Happy Thanksgiving.Man,let me tell you,I am tired,I am wiped out.I cant wait till tommrow at 11 when I get off.Its been a stressful week.Work has been stressful.Someone called out at the last munite yesterday,I didnt know till I came into work today.I was the last one to close and do everything.I did the best I could.I asked if I could stay an hour,but,nope.So,I left at 2.But the person who called out,is going to be fired,She is always doing that.I cant belive She did that,the place is a mess and nothing is done.So,I will busy again tommrow.Man,I am so tired.You all should see my face.My neck and shoulder and my hand is killing me.


I am so stressed out.But its because,I am just so tired.I love the Holidays,specillay Thanksgiving.I dont think I will make it to my Sisters tonight.I have to get up to early in the moring.So,I will have left overs.Plus I could use the quiet time at the house while my Mom and Dad go.I hope my Mom goes,I dont know why,She always gets depressed during this time.She stays in Her room,slams the door when She goes in there and I hate it.I didnt do anything.So,I am just going to leave it alone.Unless She knows,I am not going to go.I cant.I dont want to be to tired to go to work in the moring.I am already tired.All I feel like doing is sleeping for 24 hours.LOL.My whole body hurts,but,its just because,I been working to hard.Anyways,I am going to get off of here and take a short nap.I hope you all are enjoying your Thanksgiving day.Be safe and warm out there.Peaceout.



Anonymous said...

Hope you had a good nap, and I don't blame you for staying home when you have to get up early the next day!

Anonymous said...

Well all went okay for us.I didn't over eat-left some on my plate even......dropped our son off and went in to help him with the computer he bought for his daughters Christmas gift.He has Windows Vista and man is it different than XP.I love XP but vista has 'some' neat features.But it's hard to show him what to do when I don't have the same.I can come home on my computer and do it then e-mail him and tell him what I did to get it,LOL
it's just soooo fun....LOL

Anonymous said...

I don't blame you either for not going in.  They shouldn't expect you to do the work of two people and that other girl that called out SHOULD'VE been fired.  

I wouldn't have went to your sister's tonight either if I had to get up that early the next day.  Everyone should understand and leftovers still taste good.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

I think it is easy to get stressed with the holidays. Everything is so busy. The store was crazy when we went Tues. night. A storm was suppose to come in and everyone was buying things trying to get ready for it and Thanksgiving. In my prayers, Janie