Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Days off are to short.


Good moring everyone,

I hope you all are having a good one.Dont ask me why I am still up.LOL.On my day off to.One day off isnt enough,I will tell you all that.I was susposed to go out with my Boss this moring,but,I told Her I didnt have a very good night and I was still tired,which was the truth.I didnt sleep to good,woke up around 4,got online,did my alerts,took 2 Aleive and went back to sleep about 6.Now I am up.I just have so much to do,always something and I kinda wanted to get into my room,bring my laundry up,dont ask me how long its been sitting down stairs for me to get it.LOL.I tell you,I been lazy.LOL.


Well,its not that I been lazy,its just I guess I felt like I been to drained and havent felt like doing anything.You know,sometimes,you get that feeling that you need to get motavated,other than,going to work,come home,doing this,doing that,do you all udnerstand what I am trying to say?And I need to get myself back into the swing of things.Like I been feeling so down because of all the pain I have been in lately.I really need to turn myself around.How,I dont know,but,I wil get there.I think what I need is a new posative attiude about life.Thats what I want and need.But how do you get it?


ii am always thinking,theres so much to do,like I said and not enough time,always worrying about this and that,bills,ect,ect,ect.I guess I am not the only one out there who worrys like that,I know.I also know theres got to be something good out there in life.Like thoes happly ever happy ending in the good movies.You all know what I am talking about.On the bright side of things,my hands have been doing better.Dont know what I been doing,but,seem to be doing better.How ever,its like when I do to much work,the hurt.BUT I been putting Vasline and Vasline lotion on them.SO,I think thats been helping.


Well,I just wanted to get on here and do an Entry before I had to get off of her eand get some thigns done.I am going to try and get this place in oder.I hope.LOL.I think I need a few days off,but than again,what will I ever do with myself,besides clenaing?LOL.What to do,What to do.LOL.Anyways,I hope you all have a great day today.Be safe and warm out there.Peaceout.



Anonymous said...

Yes, days off are too short. I believe that saying "Time sure does fly when you are having fun." lol I don't think there is anyone in this world happy all the time. lol I really need to get my house in order... it looks like 3 tornados hit it. lmbo Hope you have a great day without so much stress. Thinking about things I have to get done stresses me out sometimes. Seems like I am never going to get done... and you know what... I never will. !!! lol Hugs, Janie

Anonymous said...

I'm at the age now when every day flys by! LOL  Enjoy your Thursday.

Anonymous said...

Our days off are way to short and the work never ends. I am still trying to learn to just make the best out of it.