Wednesday, September 12, 2007

To stressed to be stressed.


Hi All,

I hope everyone is having a good night.I guess I am doing ok.I need to vent,need to vent about,oh,I dont know,everything.LOL.I havent done a long entry,so get ready.Probllay dont even know what I am going to vent about.Am I crazy or what?First of all,I AM STRESSED TO THE MAX!!!I need a day off,I cant stand work,cant stand the people,cant stand who I work with.No,dont get me worng,I do like the people.Most people anyways.But ugggggggggggggggggggg,havent I been working to long to be inn the same place with theeses people?I havent had a day off since last Tuesday.Can you tell,I am BURNOUT?Yes,I am susposed to be alseep.I have to get up early,well,not to early.I have to be at work at 5:30 and getting off at 11:30,which starts my day off,which is Friday.Ohhhhhhhhh,I cant wait.But thats not it,I am stresed by so many things.


Yah,I am looking at you.LOL.I cant sleep anyways till Dad gets back from the stoor,cant sleep when I am by myself.Crazy,right?LOL.Well,first of all,all of us in the Bakery was thinking,are we going to have Moment of slience for 9/11?I think we did last year,Boyfriend says we didnt,but,my CO worker says we did.Well,one of the Ass Manager coomes around and we ask Him,there was a few of standing around and we asked,He wass like for what?I was like,I said it out loud and couldnt belive I said it and my co workers was looking at me,because,I never really stand up formyself,but,I had to,I was  mad,upset,tottlay in disbelife.It wasnt all that,but I all I said,was DUH!!!!Could you belive,He said,its long gone,cant remember the axact words were said,but wasnt very nice at all.My manager,knew I was getting upset,so,had to go to the bathroom and jsut cryed.How can you not forget what happend that day?Dont you have a heart?What kindof world do we live in?I am just in awe,awe of everything right now.Mom asked me,if my Hormones was wacked out.LOL.I said,dont know.LOL.Do I care.LOL.Its not just work.I am dying here,no,not literlay,just,crying inside.Because,all summer,I havent done a thing.hat is the truth.


Thats me,crying,just wanting to hide and not come out.I am so sick of just being Me right now.I have to get to bed,but will when Dad gets back.Well,I am actullay in bed,just waiting for Him.I am scared,that,I am jsut going to wake up one day and be this one boring person.I am sooooooo boring.Ok,yeah,I get out,I do stuff,but,I want to do some fun stuff.Dont ask me what I do.Going to Target,or to the dagon groicer stoor,which I work in ad sometimes go to another one,is not fun to me.Dont you think?So how do you,just,do it?Have fun?I cant take it anymore.Back to work,I am baking,its hard,I was told,you can catch on in about 2/3 weeks,havent gotton there yet.I am slow,if they dont want me learning how to bake,than,get someone else.I would love not to come in early for a change.I hope I am not working Sunday.Thats another thing,one of the annoying co workers was like,if they need,you will have to work.I was like,in my mind,I dont think so.I just hope I am not working.I am so stressed out.I did go see my Doc today.I got my meds and will get them tommrow.Thank goodness.


I will be sleeping in a little bit.Than my family gets on my nerves.Wont go there.They think they are all that.I dont care anymore.I cant wait till my vaction.My feet are killing me.My left big toe,is red,a little swolen,hurts.Of course,not to mention my hands.But I saw my Shrink today,didnt see my regular Doc,which I will,when I get back.What I need to do,is to have some major,laughing out loud kind of fun.Would love to have a girls night out,dont even know what that is.Imiss my Bestfriend Lisa.I need to have Her over when I get back.Its just that all I ever do now,seems like,is work,come home and sleep and go back to work.I guess thats what we do when we get older.How do you just stop worrying about things?Worrying about life?Worrying about what others think of you?If I had some pain killers,which I dont,I would take,dont know how many,but,dont worry.This is just me venting and I am venting.I want to cry,scream,what ever.Just want a whole new me.Thats what I want.How do you change your look?How do you do something drastic?Wild,but,not getting into trouble?You ever seen that movie called Chasing Libirty?One of my fave movies,I want to something like that.Which,I would never do.LOL.Anyways,I am going to have to end this now and contiue tommrow.Its getting late.I need my sleep.I dread going to work tommrow.Love you guys.Be safe and kool out there.Peaceout.Dont worry,I am ok.Just venting.Well,I dont know.I am ok.



Anonymous said...

I know the feeling, I hope u feel better soon *hugs*

Anonymous said...

I sure hope you feel better soon.  Sorry work is going the way it is.  As far as the manager goes about the moment of silence, that's indicative of many.  We as a nation are already starting to forget.


Anonymous said...

Eventually things will get better.  Take it from someone with experience, it always gets better.

Anonymous said...

LOL Funny little mad Kitty!! lol 5:30 is early to me!! Amanda I bet 90% of the people in this world feels like they are boring. Not a lot of excitement going on most of the time at my place. I try to make laughter for myself and I usually laugh at my dogs or other animals. Try to think of some of the silly things I did when a child. But most of my day is just boring.. house work, store, Wal Mart, and answering the phone. Sometimes have to talk to people I don't really want to talk to. LOL Once in a while I will have a really fun day. I am keeping you in my prayers and maybe you will feel much better after you get away for just a little while. Hugs, Janie

Anonymous said...

I know Exactly how you feel!!!!
Hang in there - it will get better and you'll have better days!!