Sunday, September 30, 2007

I am trying to reach for something.LOL.


Hi all,

Yup,its me agin.I am getting ready to go to bed soon.I am tired.Earlyer after I got sick,I just started cleaning my room and than I thought to myself,what am I doing and why did I start this?Because I will never get it done.You see that pic above,thats in my room,I have a question for you all.That one is filled with some of my beads,it was filled with letters and stuff.So,I am thinking,what do I need to do with all of my letters,stamps,ect?


I am not Superman or Superwomen,cant do it all and its kinda frustating,trying to work it all out.My room that is.I would love to make my room something diffrent,something that,you know,is,I dont know,whats the word I am looking for?All I can say,right now,my room is tacky and it needs alot of changing.Not changing around,but,alot of cleaning,throwing stuff away.How do you do it all?


My Sis is going to still paint my room and She also said,it needs a whole new look.What look?I want a look.Were can I get that look?Any advice?The question is,how can I have my room,my room?What would I want my room to be?But,I also want to know,how can I have my beads and my letters,stamps and stuff together in the same room,near my bed,is were I keep it all.This pic you see is of my room,my bed,my tv,my beads.


So if you all have any ideas on how or what to do with my room.let me know.Maybe,throw my room away?LOL.No.Kidding.Were would I sleep?Outside?I dont think so.Well,I best be getting off.Got to get some sleep.You all have a good night.I will be back tomrow.Peaceout.



Anonymous said...

Get very attractive baskets for your things.  And you can decorate your lampshades with beads and wires, make mobiles, curtain tie backs, fan pulls from a ceiling fan if you have one, find colors you like or a character of something you like, buy fabric and have a duvet sewn, match pillows with fringe, throw rugs, table cloth covers, and you can even make a box for your stationery and stamps with a blank photo box and MOD PODGE GLUE and pretty paper that you like.  
HAVE GREAT FUN!  Change your room after you paint it with wallpaper borders, or texture your walls.  The world is open to you.  SHOW US PICTURES.  I have lots of ideas.

Anonymous said...

i have no idea, but goodluck

Anonymous said...

I have these CLEAR shoe holders that hang on the back of a door. When the door is open no one can see them. They hook over the top of the door and you can still close the door. The one that has pockets in it. I put all of my craft things in the pockets. 1 pocket for scissors, glue, paint brushes, and other stuff.  You can see your items without having to dig through things. I love mine. I have one in the kitchen closet for alum. foil, glad wrap, and etc. I have 4 of them. I bought them at Target for about $12 to $15 each. Have a wonderful week with blessings, Janie

Anonymous said...

I'm not really sure....I love to do beads and stamping too! :o) Maybe after your room is painted, then you might come up with an idea then. :o)

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a wonderful nights sleep.

Anonymous said...

yea i want to change my room as well looks like a boys room.