Friday, February 15, 2008



I am not happy wiyh my Dad,ok,I know I havent taken my Arthitis Shots like I should have,that was my bad part on that.I dont know what His problem is.I dont know if He thinks I need Surgey or not.But what does He know.I know I havent taken my shots,But my Arthitis has gone down hill before my shots.He is like,He doesnt want them cutting into me.Well,He doesnt know.John Hopkins has the best Surgens.What am I susposed to do?I asked Him if He wanted me to cancel the app,He said no.I think Hes worried about the co pay,well,hello,who is going to pay for it?Me.Who has payed for all of my bills?Me.Who has helped me?no one,but me.Dad,He has helped everyone else,my Brother with His house,but Me with my Doctor bills.He doesnt need to worry,why should He.I love my Dad.I am angry at Him right now,He is mad at me,because,yeah,I havent taken my shots.Does He want me to live with this pain all of my life?I am going to go to the Surgen and see what He says.He is blaming it all on me,so,yeah,like I said,I havent taken my shots.But they wasnt doing any good anyways.I am a mess.He doesnt know how much pain I have gone through.I dont want Him going in there talking to the Surgen and getting all uptight for nothing.I feel like I just dont want to live anymore.By the way,the medicine is kicking my but,I only took one and I feel like I am on high.It is taking all the pain away.I am taking Hydrocod Bit/ibuprofen.It doesnt say what mgs it is.But I need to get off of here and sleep.I feel like sleeping my whole life.I am sorry guys,I know,I been a pain from complaining.Peaceout.Do you all think I am this bad person?Do you think I am doing the right thing by seeing this Surgen?



Anonymous said...

By no means are you being a bad person..and yes you need to go the surgeon...your Dad is just worried about you but men don't know how to express their feelings.Glad that medication is helping your pain.Go to Dr. -do what he gotta take care of you...

Anonymous said...

I feel like a lot of times men don't know how to handle stress. I feel like your dad is just worried about you. He is just talking to himself thinking that if you had taken the shots you would be better. I feel like he is just as upset as you over your condition. He is more than likely worried that the doctor is not good enough or something like that. Maybe he needs prayers. Maybe say some prayers for your dad. :-)  I will keep all of you in my prayers. No Amanda you are not a bad person.. you are just hurting and it is hard to wait and see the doctor and all that is going on. Hugs, Janie

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your dad is still not well himself and his reaction might be due to that.  I doubt if you had continued your shots that you could have prevented your knees from getting so bad, arthritis has a mind of it's own.... all you can do is cope the best we can, which you have done for long time.  Go to the surgeon and see what he says. You will have to do something about it sooner or later, and the younger you are ... the better. Then you can recover faster.
Don't worry bout Dad , he will get over it< you just take care you YOU!!!

Take care Friend~

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwww Mandy you are'nt a bad person hon, sounds like your dad is worried about you, mine could care less about me, Hugs to you Lisa

Anonymous said...

Your a great person we'll pray everything works out.

Anonymous said...

You are a great person but I think you should take your shots! -Missy

Anonymous said...

Noooooooo, you are not a bad are doing what needs to be done to get out of pain.  You are right about the surgeons at JH...they took the best care of my Mom.  I do hope and pray it all works are in my prayers...hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

so sorry

Anonymous said...


So sorry that your hurting, and sometimes parents seem mean or mad but it's just that they can't stand that their child is in pain. Be well doll...

ciao sweet amanda bella....

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry!!!  Sending you a big hug.