Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tuesday Moring.


moring all,

I hope you all are sleeping well and udner your covers.It is cold.I can feel it in my room.Its freezing in here.dad doesnt like me turning up the heat when I am sleeping,He says,thats what covers are for.Well,I got news for Him.LOL.Lately it hasnt been that cold to turn it up,well,its been cold and I turn it up during the days when I am home till I go to sleep.But last night is the first real night its been brrrrrr,freezing with the wind beating up against the window.I could even hear it.Good thing,I washed my heavey coat and I need to put my other part back into my coat.I guess I will also have to start wearing my teni shooses.LOL.Yes,I know,I should be wearing thme anyways.I been wearing thoes crock shoose with socks.They are comfortable.


After being off of work for a few days,I go back today,I work from 130 to 530,which isnt to bad,I got to sleep in and I didnt have to wake up so early.Than after I get off of work,my Sis or my Dad,dont know which one is going to pick me up,but,I will be going out with my Mom,Sis and my little neice to do our traditonal shoping.God thing I am off tommrow.Thats right,I have 3 days off.Not that I look forward to having 3 days off.They cut back hours before and after the Holidays.I will tell you one thing,if I go into work and see someone else having more hours than Me,I will be mad and take it up with my Boss.Well,wony get mad,but,will ask why She did that.The last Boss would give Her more hours than me,playing favorites.But I dont think this BOss would do it.She is a fair Boss.I hope.I will find out what the hours look like when I go into work today.


All in all,its been a pretty good week so far,how ever with my Mom getting stressed out.I hate it when She gets so stressed out during the Holidays.It also gets on my nerves,when She gets mad,like I probllay said before,Shes aloud to get mad and tell me to go away,but,I cant get mad.LOL.Oh well,I guess She will get over it tonight when we go out.She wont act mad around my Sister.She will act like nothing is worng.I hate that to.Than I have to deal with alot of Her getting mad.I deal with it alot.I do love my Mom.But,sometimes,She drives me nuts.But I guess I drive Her nuts to.What will She ever do,if I ever leave one day?LOL.Anyways,I am going to go back to sleep for a while.It still early.I will tell you thoe,my should is feeling alot better,the Alieve I been taking,has been working,with also me,massging and rubbing it,doing stratching excerises,been heloing alot.I also dont sleep with this hard pillow anymore.Anyways,I hope you all have a good day.be safe and warm out there.Peaceout.



Anonymous said...

It's really cold and blustery here!

Anonymous said...

Our evenings are very cold. I think it is a moms job to bug our daughter! Just ask my children! LOL

Anonymous said...

It is really a little warmer here today. The wind is not blowing like normal. I am sure that you will have a really good time with your sis and mom. This boss sounds like a nice boss because she did worry about your hands, right? Terry Ann says I get stressed out too... when I am cooking I really get stressed out!! Don't cook a lot anymore for kids. lol Don't let her kid you though... she gets stressed out too... like her mother. lmbo Have a wonderful time and great week. Hugs, Janie