Monday, December 3, 2007

Another,yet stressful day.


Its me again.LOL.

My Mom is driving me up the wall.I dont know what She wants from me.We have our usllay tradtion Christmas shoping,with,my Mom,my Sis and my neice and we usllay do it sometime during this month.So,now,She brings it on me,that my Sis wants to do it tommrow.Of all days,its not that I dont have anything to do.But,I was planing on paying off some bills.We wasnt even planing on going tommrow.Mom doesnt even have the money,I dont either.I try and explain it to Her,when I do,She takes it the worng way,like I am soundning sarcastic to Her and I wasnt.So,I go and say sorry and She trys and explain to me how I act and so I tell Her I know,than,thats that.


No wonder I get stress out all the time.Now I have to go to the bank and take some money out,I wasnt planning on doing it till went out in a few weeks,but,turns out we are going out tommrow.I love my Sister,but,sometimes,I feel thoe as if there are favorites.If you know what I mean.I know it isnt and my MOm loves us the same.But sometimes,I feel thoe She doesnt want to upselt my Sister and I know my Sister has alot on Her mind and She is always busy.But so am I.Seems like,my Mom just wants to make things go Her way.Am I bad for saying that?Anyways,I am going to get off of here and go do some things.Oh yeah,if I get mad and slam the door or stomp on the floor,I cant,if my Mom can get mad,She can.Because,She asked me why was I stomping on the floor.Uggggggggg.I guess,life goes on.Peaceout.



Anonymous said...

Oh I just got a mental picture of you two slamming doors and stomping on the floor lol  Sorry I know that's not funny!!!   I know how it is feeling as if your sibling is more of a  favorite then you are.  I went though that too but your right...I'm sure she loves you both the same and sometimes it just seems that way.  Hope your day gets better :)  Have a good time shopping :)  

Anonymous said...

I am sorry your mom caught you off gaurd with shopping! She probably should wait until the both of you have more money!try and enjoy your day!
~~Make it a Great day~~


Anonymous said...

This time of year is very stressful on people. Instead of spending money on gifts why dont you make everyone a plate of baked goods?

Anonymous said...

Instead of spending money maybe you could just look around. Plan a head. Try to enjoy being with your mom and sister, if you can.  I hope all turns out well for you. hugs, Janie