Thursday, January 4, 2007


Good moring all,

                   Hope you all are having a good one and with your coffee in your hand and a donut in your other your getting ready to read is somehting I get every moring when I check my mail.Dont know who sends them to me,unless,I had them send them to,this sope to me today,talks about temsion,and yesterday,was a double wammy.I had tension all over me and I dont know were it came from and I couldnt get rid of it.I was hurting so bad,from my back,to my neck,shoulders and arms.I feel some better this moring.I guess I have alot on my mind.That I really want to try and change things,yeah,saying it is easy than doing must of been so tired last night,I took my bedtime medicine,I think I was watching a dvd,soon as I turned it on,I was also took one of my Arthitis pilss and that helped this moring.I am feeling good right now,we shal see later how I you all for give me good advice yesterday in my entry.I love you all so much.Roxy,thank you for lettting my know aboug aol being free.I do hope you all have a wonderful,relaxing,calming day today.Its cold in here,my puter isnt set up yet.They came yesterday moring,was here for sevral hours,trying to get a signal,they said would be back in a few hours,but nope,they never showed up,never even called,my boyfriend is paying for all of it.They better show up today.Some other dude was susposed to come by and do something to the outside pole line,dont ask me,I know,they better show up am getting very unpaitence and I want on my LAptop!!!!!!!!I hope you all have a nice day today and I will be back later.

January 4, 2007

Workplace Sanctuary
Taurus Daily Horoscope

The tension of your professional life could make you feel like escaping into the sanctuary of your home today. Although that is a place where you can seek refuge from the stresses of the external world, learning to integrate a practice of relaxation and stress reduction at work might serve you better today. Perhaps you can try to make your workspace a place of calm and serenity by placing plants, soothing artwork, or inspirational poems where you can see them throughout the day. When you see your items of healing, you might wish to take a deep breath and remind yourself that peace of mind comes from within.  Even in a place where things seem hectic, you can still have tranquility and peace of mind.

Creating a haven for ourselves no matter where we are gives us the extra strength we need to cope with tensions that arise. So often we might think of our homes as places to where we can run from our problems, curl up, and withdraw from the world. If we can see that there is so much more power in creating a retreat in our most hectic environments, we will find that instead of having to run to a secure place, we always have safety and serenity with us. By bringing healing energy into your professional life today you will stay constant, at ease, and happy, regardless of what happens around you.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yea i used to have tension in my shoulders terribley.

Anonymous said...

When I get tension it shows up in the same place as yours, neck head and shoulders and back.  BREATHE.  Dont forget to take some slow deep breaths.  
