Wednesday, January 3, 2007

I had alot on my mind and I have alot of questions for you,thanks.

Thanks Cab's Creations,for both of the graffis shown here love them so much.Thank you CCC,I am so sorry,I forgot who you are,forgive me.

Hi all,

        Good day to all,hope you all is having a good one.Its ok here.I havent been feeling like writting much lately.Not depressed,just have alot on my mind.Today COmcast is hooking up my inter so I can use my Laptop and use it anywere.Now,I know you can dow load aol,but will you have to pay for it?I know nothing about COmcast,dont think I can get my online journal from there.I just hope they come back before I leave,so,they can tell me what to dont think its that hard.But it wil be fun,just sitting in my bedroom,and I dont have to come into this cold room,were there is a big,huge black mold right up above me.I try and put warm cloths on,but it doesnt help much and my feet are always can deal with everything else being cold,but,my feet,my feet have to stay wram.Not when I am sleeping,I hate wearing socks to bed,never had,but some people have alot of questions to throw at you guys,maybe you can help me out.I have been thinking alot about cancling one of my doctors,as I dont think I need them,I need the medicine of course,to helo me sleep and with depression.Its not as bad,the depression.I want to talk to my regular doctor,see if He can give me the same medicine my Shrink does.I just cant afford to be seeing so many doctors right now.I am just trying and wanting to be more responsible with my bills,which I dont have alot.But seeing theeses 2 doctors and paying them both,I just cant.My journal helps alot with getting my feelings out,venting and letting it all go.I relize I dont need to see a Shrink,I know its bigger word for it,but,I cant,maybe in the future,if I need to see them again,I will.What do you tihnk I should do?It is just stressing me out and I want to make it more easy on me.Plus my shots with my Arthitis,I need to have,and with seeing so many doctors,I cant handle it right now.Thats what has been stressing me out.I want thisyear to be a better one for me,my family,my friends,my boyfriend.I know I have my problems,I worry alot.But I want to try and work on that.I also would like try and work on being more healthy,yeah, I think that would help in a big way,with me being so stressed out,as my Doctor says,my regular doctor.I know my Arthitis doctor,wanted me to see someone to talk to.But right now,Ij ust cant handle paying the bills.I am not behind,but,I am behind on one.So what do you all think?I been delaing with so much,that I jsut cant take it and I want to make a better life for myself.To much pressure,to much stress,to much worrying over things I dont need to be worrying about.SO,I just wanted some input on tis and maybe you can help me out.One more thing,my Dad maybe getting rid of Aol in the near future,not sure when,not happending anytime soon.I just wanted to let you all know that.But its not a big hurry.I will have COmcast,but I think I can down load Aol,but will it cost?I hope thoes people come back before I leave,so they can show me what to do.I neve even relized you can watch dvds on my Laptop,shows you how much I,I had alot of questions for you.Sorry about venting.But I needed to get alot of things off my mind.If I decied to stop seeing my Shrink and thereapyst,I will tell my Arthitis doctor and let Him know.I just cant handle this right now.My shots are more important and the medicine that keeps me from going know,I iwsh I could just stop cold I cant.If it helps me,it helps.I have one more question and I will let you go,this has been on my mind alot and I been trying to find ways of helping me out through this.I have alot of sress,tension in my back,shoulders,I been trying to excerise and it doesnt seem to help,do you all have any aideas?What about taking Excdrin?They have it for tension.Whats the deiffrents between stress and tension?Am I crazy?lol.Thank you all so much for listning to me going on and answering my questions.I been up all moring,waiting for them peopel to show up.I will most likly be on COmcast tonight,sitting in my room,right in front of the tv.No doubt,my Dad will want to play around on it,since it is,high speed love you guys.Have a great day.Be safe and peaceout.


Anonymous said...

Amanda, AOL is free now.  You can download it for free.  And even if you don't you can sign on to and write in your journal and read your email.  It's easy.  As for the arthritis, my MIL has it real bad and she has been wearing those bracelets lately and says they are really helping her hands.  I hope you can find some relief from it too!  Love and HUGS and GBU, Shelly

Anonymous said...

I  think you would be making a mistake getting rid of your therapist.  IF your doctor can write prescriptions for the anti-depression drugs than I'm all for getting rid of the shrink--but I believe anyone on those kinds of drugs needs someone to talk to.  My regular doctor writes my prescriptions for everything.
I think you should be asking your doctor about taking excedrin--it may not be a good idea.
You probably need to learn how to deal with stress so it doesn't go straight to your body.
good luck.

Anonymous said...

Amanda, I agree, you should keep your doctor's. Especially if they have been a help to you.
God Bless,

Anonymous said...

It`s important that you talk things through with your Doctors before you make any drastic decisions about giving them up. Don`t take medication that your Doctor hasn`t prescribed as they might interfere with your current meds and it might make you feel worse. I think you should keep up with your exercise or try walking with an MP3 player to listen to, it really does help and makes you feel good too.I have been where you are and I really do know how your feeling. I hope that you can find the answer to what you need. take care.
luv bella xx

Anonymous said...

You will love Comcast, Amanda...and by the way, AOL is free, just download like someone else told you to do.  You will be fine...on that end.  As for your doctors and meds, make no changes until you talk to each.  Don't take things that your doctor doesn't know you have not taken before...over the counter or otherwise.  Doctors are there to help...use them, and they can help. I pray it all works out...please keep us updated.  Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Mandy,I too,was on meds for arthritis,but they ran my blood pressure up so high ,the Dr. had to take me off.Then my hands were all crippled up-I couldn't grasp anything.
Well one day my hubby needed something from a health food store and the lady who worked in there noticed my hands and asked if she might suggest something,I said sure,well it was glucosamine 1500 mg and chondroiton 1200 mg. I take 2 of the pills a day and am pain free and cripple free and I had it in my knees and neck and they are pretty good now too.The Dr. was shocked at my improvement and asked what I did and I told him and he says I've heard good things about that,will have to check into it.
But you talk to your DR. before you add anything to what you are taking now.
It is rather pricy,but I wait for the drug store to have buy one get one free or1/2 off (same thing)
Hope this helps you.

Anonymous said...

Im pretty sure you can still get aol and for free. I'm so sorry about all the stress and the doctors. I hope you can cut down on your doctors, They are so expensive. Hugs to you.