Saturday, January 13, 2007

sat happenings

This is a recent pic of me,its actullay pretty good,I was taken Christmas night,when my Sister was playing make over on

Good Moring all,   

                    hope you all having a good start of the weekend.Unfortulay I have to be heading to work soon.I love working,dont get me worng,but,I sure do miss my hours,working in the moring,comming home,just doing nothing but sure hope my hours will change.But,I mean,dont get me worng,you all know,I had a fit about in the past.I dont mmind it,because,I am getting used to it.But,some days you know how you feel like just doing nothing?I have one of them days today.I dont even feel like getting ready,dressed,cleaned for me,take it or leave I haverelized,just do my job,go in there,dont complain,it will be done in no my boss always ask me to do something,I do it for Her.Shes really a nice lady,very sweet and nice to get along with.I just dont understand why they have so many full timmers in our bakery apartment and they have so many part timmers,you think they would be nice enough to share and give hours to us.Thats what our old boss would do.But,its hard times,I know.I am trying to think posative,its not easy.I am trying to belive God has something instoor for me,is this were I want to be?I know right now,its were I should be,because,I have health insurance and I so need that.But I often wonder?What else out there could instoor for me?were do I go about doing that?Now that I have my Laptop,I can get on here,write in my journal and just go at it,with all my feelings and questions and answers I guess you can say,this is my favorite Christmas,maybe,I should give myself a breal at late at night and getting some,I better head off of here and,I guess,I have to get cleaned still have my private journal,which I might do some cleaning up in that eara sometime soon.I already figured out on how to helping Mom getting things cleaned up in this house.I am going to start with one room at a time.Thank you all  so much for nice comments.I love you all.I hope you all hav a nice weekend.what do you all have planed for?Work?lol.for thoes of you who arent working on the weekends,enjoy,relax,think of me while I am the rest of you,enjoy,Be safe and peaceout.Didnt relize at the time but the closing graffic is perfect for the above graffic of,I am not sazzymademe for the pretty graffic.


Anonymous said...

thats a nice photo i have lazy days everyday lol.

Anonymous said...

Great photo of you Mandy.  Hope you have a lovely weekend.  Terry x

Anonymous said...

Hey, I didn't realize you were so young! I knew you were young, but not as young as you look in the picture. You look about 15. how old are you? Oh well, you still do a good job on your journal.  Oh , and I have lazy days all of the time. I hate housework. I wished I could afford a maid, I would have one here every other day. Have a nice night.
God Bless,
Liz in Va.

Anonymous said...

Hi  First I wanted to thank you for all your comments!  Love ur Pic too!  And oh yes, those lazy days!  Don't we all have them.  Sometimes it just sucks when you have to go to work when you would rather stay home with the family.  Keep up the good work on your journal...I love it

Anonymous said...

Like the pic and you have a good weekend!
luv bella xx

Anonymous said...

Great picture! {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}} Molly