Monday, January 15, 2007

Bla,its I need help!!!

Good moring all,

                hope everyone had a nice weekend.Mine was ok.I wanted to ask you all a question,I am  looking for file manager and I dont know were to look?Were can you find file manager?HELP!!!Thanks.Todays plans,probllay just going to spend a day with my Mom.I feel like going back to sleep and staying in bed all like a good day to do it to.I thinks its going to rain.Mom wants to go to K-mart and to breakfst at Ihop.Thats if we go.I think She is still I mentioned my Brother and His family are comming home from London for a while,for a year or so.They are going back to London,they just need help from other churces to susport them.They are missonarys in London.I cant wait to see them.The new little baby,She is just precious.They all have red know if put a pic of them in my journal or not,but,I will have to do that later.well,I am going to get off of here and get a few things done.I dont even feel like taking a shower,which I do every moring when I get up.My tummy was bothering me last night and still doesnt feel to good.I hope you all have a nice Monday.Mondays always seem sooooooooo safe and peace out.

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