Friday, January 26, 2007



Hello everyone,

                   I hope you all is having a good start of the weekend.Well,I didnt go to work today,I felt so bad about not going,but,I couldnt work,the way I am feeling now,with my arm and my hand and wrist.I called my boyfriend this moring at work and told Him what happend.I had no idea He went and said something to my Boss.I was kinda upset,because,I was going to go in.I talked to my co worker and She said,dont worry about,just stay home and get some rest.They understood,but,I told them,I felt bad and didnt want to let anyone down and She said,your not letting anyone down.Just take care of yourself.I still feel bad.I am not even going to worry about getting a doctors not for today.Its not like they going to write me usllay do for people who do that alot,but,I hardly ever do that.Besides,I am onlu working 4 hours.So,I am now off,today,tommrow and Sun,most likly, isnt to happy about it,but,what can I think She was mad at my boyfriend for saying something to my Boss.My Mom worrys to much.Mom asked me,they are putting you on for next week?I am like,yes,they,they cant fire will take them to court.I just feel like its something,right after another.But before I go,I want to thank you all for your encourginig words,jjust for being there for me,sending me smiles and hugs all the way.I love you guys!!!Everyone of you.J-land is so special to me,wouldnt no what I would do without having J-land in my life.We are family.I truly belive it.So,to closing this entry,I hope you all will be safe out there and I may not be on as much,I hope this Laptop is sitting in my,it eyes me and says,pick me up,pick me need to stay off of it for a while,due to the fat I think it could be agavating my hand.So,peaceout till later.



Anonymous said...

I hope you get to feeling better soon and are able to get back to work.    Have the best weekend you can and get some rest.     mak

Anonymous said...

I sure hope you feel better soon!! Thank you for taking the time to come check out my journal even thought your not feeling well!  Your boyfriend seems really sweet.  Get some rest now and stay of the puter for a while and Just Sleep!  

Anonymous said...

Just tell your computer to go to sleep the same time you are. LOL
That might work unless you're addicted to it, as so many of us seem to be. Do get rest though. Hope you wake up feeling refreshed and ready for a brand new day.

Anonymous said...

Hugs Amanda....hope you feel better and enjoy this coming weekend as well. HOpe you dont' go away from your journals as you are a sweet person and I love reading about your life. Awww I hope your arm, hand and wrist feel better soon, I am a great user of BenGay lately for sore bones and a bad rotor cuff so trust me when I say I can associate with your pain. Good luck hon and hope you are back on and smiling from ear to ear.
xox Doreen

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better, Amanda.