Thursday, January 11, 2007

Just venting.

Thanks D's Designs for the opening graffic,I love it and thanks for Sonata creations for my closing tag.I dont have your journal,so if anyone who knows who has it let me.Thanks.

Yes,its me again,I made en entry earlyer,but felt like making one again.I am feeling a bit stressed out,I guess,I hide my emotions very good sometimes,than sometimes not.I am wearing myself out,trying to fiure out how to get things done,how to help my Mom,how to help myself.Worrying about bills,birthdays comming up,to many,I might am just so stressed and,I feel I cant stop moving,got to be on the go.I wish I could just for once,close everthing down for the day,just sleep.Thats probllay what I shuld of have been doing in the first place.I have so much to do,I dont know were to beging.I maybe feeling a bit depressed,just trying to get it all taken care of.I know my Mom depends on me alot.But sometimes,I just wish I could just be on an island all by myselfok,maybe with my than again with the way I am feeling right now,I dont know.I havent decied on what to do about my shots.I have to fill this paper out,so,it can help me to get them free or help the cost go down.I am not getting enpough good sleep at night.I just feel all out of sorts today.I dont want to go to work.But I think I need to.shoot,been off for a probllay whats worng with me.Theres alot of change I would like to change about myself.Dont know were to begine on that.I am just stressd out.Feeling like I cant stop.I feel like I have to be doing something,always moving.Anyways,sorry about venting on.Hope you all have a nice day.Be safe and peaceout.I am depressed,because I have to look at my room and it needs so much changing.I dont like change,let me tell you,I try to rearange things around,and it goes ack the way it is.Crazy I know.



Anonymous said...

life is just stressful period. I havent forgotten about you.

Anonymous said...

One thing at a time.  One Day at a time.  We all get overwhelmed at some point, but then it all works itself out.  :)     Tracy

Anonymous said...

Mandy I'm sorry you're not sleeping well.  Try taking some Calcium (drink milk) before laying down.  It helps me.  Or use a Lavendar spray for your room, is supposed to relax you.  I know it's tough sometimes just to shut down your mind and get the zzzz's you need.   Free up that mind like the tag says!

Anonymous said...

Many dear its good to vent and natural to feel all that you feel. you just need to take a big breath and remember you can only do so much.You need to have mandy time to do something fun,relaxing. Getting stressed and worrying never helps anything move along faster or right,your only hurting yourself. make a list of priorities and check them off as you go. Take one step at a time leading to one day at a time. It's all going to work out just fine. Have a little faith and look up


Anonymous said...

Hang in there - I suggest buying a planner and planning your day - accomplish three or four big things a day and always schedule quiet time for yourself.

Hang in there!