Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My oldest brother and His family from London,Missionaries


Messersmith Family

Missionaries to England


They just recently had a baby girl,I probllay showed a pic of Her in recent entrys,this letter is a new one,but the pic is not a recent one with the baby in it.But its fairly recent.Just wnated you all to see my family.Thanks and have a nice day.


Dear Friends,

Our family would first like to thank you for the gifts and cards sent over the Christmas holiday. They were greatly appreciated and we do not count lightly the sacrifice made. Special thanks to our home church, Woodlawn Baptist Church in Bowie, Maryland for the special love offering taken for the needed repair to our van.

During Christmas our church was able to distribute 5,000 Gospel tracts explaining the true meaning of Christmas. Our young people also had the opportunity of participating in the annual late night shopping event in Market Harborough. This event brings many hundreds of people into the town centre and then the kids sang and played bells. Afterwards they went about handing out Gospel tracts. The blessing is that no one would refuse a tract from one of the kids.

In the last letter I asked you to pray for Vicki. She is the lady that was saved over the summer by reading her Bible. She began to email the church from a tract she received. After a few weeks me and a young man from our church was able to visit with her. She has attended church for 3 weeks now and her husband came with her this past week. His name is Steve and he is very open and pleased that his wife has begun to attend church. Vicky has started working through a discipleship course from the church. She is so hungry for God’s Word that I give her several lessons at a time and then by the next Sunday she is ready for more. Please continue to pray that she will grow and that her husband will accept Christ.

Several months ago Marcia and Reta, our missionary helpers, was distributing our church news letter through the doors. Bill, who had received our opening service invitation 2 years ago, decided after he got the news letter, to visit our church. Bill has been coming faithfully ever since. I asked him if he were a Christian, he said, “I used to think I was but I do not have what the people in this church have. No, I am not a Christian.” He is very open and over the past couple weeks you can see that the messages have been speaking to him. Please pray that he would be saved.

I asked you to pray for David who had been coming to our church. He has decided that coming to church brings too much conviction in his life. There are a few things that he is not willing to call sin and thinks God should overlook those things. He lives in the same village as one of our families and they are keeping in touch with him and being a fervent witness.

Due to some recent changes in the visa law in England, we are going to be leaving for furlough sooner than expected. We will be in the states beginning in April and staying for one year. Please pray 1) that we will be able to raise the extra needed support due to changes in the strength of the dollar, increased living costs in the UK, and changes in our support level, 2) for our church to continue to grow and that the new Christians will continue to be discipled and that new folks will come to church.

I am always reminded of Galatians 6:9, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” May the Lord continue to richly bless you in all your labour for Him.

Steve Messersmith and Family

I Timothy 1:12


Anonymous said...

beautiful family you have there amanda. hope you have a nice day. (((((((hugs))))))))

Anonymous said...

Wow Amanda what beautiful children they all have Mommy's hair too! I hope the do well and I bet you are glad they are coming home in April! ((((hugs))))) Kelly X

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Mandy, your brother and his family look really nice.  What religion are they talking about, is it Mormons?  I didn't get that from your entry.  Hugs.  Terry x

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family...they look like they are just so happy...have a great day...hugs and love,