Wednesday, August 9, 2006

I cheated Birthday J-land!!!

Hi all,I am lazy as well and wanted to help and spread the word around too J-lands Bday comming up.So lets get ready!!!!Sorry,I had to copy and paste it,like I said,I am lazy just wanted to let you all know,you all did an AWSOME job.I love you J-land!!!Sorry,Sazzy,I copyed it from
JLand Birthday Party Update:
( I am going to cheat here and copy and paste Krissy's links since she did such a good job and I am lazy:) 

On August 21st we will celebrate the 3rd Anniversary of AOL Journals.  This is our chance, you all, to make this happening what we want it to be.  Much has happened this year.  Some ups, some downs.  While some things will never be the same, let us take time to celebrate.  Let us not let this anniversary go by without marking it in a meaningful way. 

For the 3 Year Celebration of AOL Journals, there are already a lot of activities planned and underway.  If you want to keep abreast of these, please put Nwanyioma's Journal on alerts. 

Journalseditor Joe has made us an AOL Journals 3-Year Anniversary badge to put in our All About Me Section. 

D, from This and that, and hockey! has created many outstanding graphics for us to put in our journal, to help us celebrate.  She is also doing a CONTEST for what will be the official 3rd year tag.  It is beautiful and features a lighthouse.  Scoot over to her journal and submit a caption that you would like to see on the lighthouse graphic, and yours just might be selected!

Stevietwain is doing a J~Land 3rd Anniversary Tribute Video.  Hop over to his journal to find out what you need to do to be part of a video he is putting together of J-Landers.  It's simple, just submit a photo.  Well, go on over, he'll explain it to you.

Shelly of XXRoxyMamaXX is doing a Memorial Quilt.  You can submit names of your loved ones and friends.

Sugar is doing a Pet Memorial Page for those who have lost a pet in the past three years.

We will, of course, have a chat on August 21st.  More details to follow.

If you would like, please announce this information in your journal.  

Now let's go make this an Anniversary to remember!

Krissy :)  Sometimes I Think < < < - - Clicky

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just getting caught up on my favorite journals and yours is one of them.  Thanks so much for sharing all the celebrating links and info...I need to go and visit each one...many hugs and love...enjoy the rest of your week...Joyce