Friday, August 18, 2006

Getting out of that funky mood

Hi all,

         I hope you all dont get bored with all my entrys.I guess I just love to write wanted to talk about a few things,kinda embarsing to me,but,thought I would go ahead and put it out there.I think and know I been feeling like I been in a funk mood,not wanting to do anything about my looks or my apparince,till someone mentioned to me at work.They was nice about it,but,kinda woke me up a little bit.I havent realy been feeling good about myself,and I need to start doing that,dont know how to start doing that,but I need to.First of all,I had been wearing pants that I dont need to wear,just felt like not myself,not feeling pretty.You know thoes elastic pants,I was wearin them.I had a couple of cute jeans,I just never wore them yet.But today Mom and I went and I think mentioned in my other entry,went to dressbarn,there clothes are a little high,but,I needed somehting to make me start feeling better,so,I bought a pair of tight jeans,I never have bought them before,so,I am wearing them to work tommrow,also got a new pair of pretty earings.So,I am going all out tommrow and see what they all say.And my boyfriend will be picking me up in the late to do my nails,maybe will do them tommrow night,actullay,I hate doing my,that is how boring I am and how boring I its about time to just wake up,get up,out of that funk and move on.I want to be the person I need to be and find the real Me.So,just wanted to share that.I have old jeans,I mean old jeans,I have been wearing.I need yo start feeling good for me,not anyone else,but me.Well,I need to get going,you all have a good night.I will take a pic tommrow if I remember.Love you all.Be safe out there.Peace.


Anonymous said...

Well gee thank YOU now I have to go and polish my nails too and lose some weight.  The blue hair actually helped get me outta my funk!  Try it too!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy you and your Mom got out to shop...that had to be fun and a good feeling.  Buying new things is a good thing to do now and then, to brighten your spirits and also makes you feel pretty...but you already are pretty!  Hope you are having a wonderful weekend...hugs and love.