Saturday, August 5, 2006

Dont know what to do.

Dang it,dont you wish you can dream all your problems away?lol.Well,maybe this isnt much of a problem.MAybe God has somehting better for me to do.But I havent been much faithful to Him to know what that is.

        I had my entry all done and aol had to shut me down for a munite.What else can go I am depressed about my job.They been cutting hours big time,but the thing I dont get is,that I have been there longer than alot of part timemrs in there and they have a few more hours than I do,just because,I cant do certian things.That just makes me mad.And my boss telling me I cant be alone by myself,I been alone by myself plenty of times.I dont know what to do.She is a nice lady,but I feel She dont give me credit for what I can do.Or She cant see what I can do.But if this keeps going on,I will just have to go above Her and talk to head manager.It is just upsetting and making me upset and they will see how upset I am when I go in tommrow and look at my hours.I just dont know what to do,I am at a loss.Theres a part timmer,She has been there long enough either and She gets way more hours than I do and She doesnt even get half of Her job done.I am just a little mad right now.Well,thats enough about that.If you all have any advice,would be greatful.Thanks and have a nice weekend.


Anonymous said...

sit down and rationally write out a list of everything you do at work that you think you do well
then write down a list of everything you can not do
I bet you will find the list of things you can do is bigger than the ones you can't do.
Take that list to your manager and show her all the things you do well and tell her calmly and rationally(try not to get upset here which is easier siad than done) why you think you deserve the hours.
Don't compare yourself to others because you may not know the whole story there and besides--this is about you.
Also explain to her that if this continues you will go above her head.
Good luck
hang in there sweetie


Anonymous said...

Amanda, it's like that all over.  There will always be someone who get better or more hours than you and does a crappy job.  I've learned (now this is a grandma talking to you) have to do the very best you can in the time you're given.  And start thinking about looking for or training for another job.  Is this job something you want to do the rest of your life?  If not start doing what it takes to get a better job.  And lastly.....keep you chin up...Linda in WA

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda,
Sorry I have not been around lately.  The others are right, they are cutting hours everywhere...I do hope you can talk to the head manager and work something out.  You sound like a hard worker and dedicated to your job...if anyone should get the extra hours, you should my friend.  Hope and pray it all works out...hugs and love,