Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thursday Happenings


Good moring all,

I hope you all had a good night sleep.I had an ok sleep. know why my Shoulder was bothering me.When I was sleeping at the end of my bed instead at the top of my bed,I was sleeping on my arm all the time and thats why it was hurting,soo,when I have decied to sleep at the top of my bed again,it doesnt hurt anymore as it did.So,I am glad about that.


So much to do and I havent been feeling like doing anything lately,still feel like I am in a rut.I know,I have said this before,I need a change,but,ont know what that is.I do think I need a hobbie.I think I might start doing some planting,I dont know how to plant flowers,but,someone gave me some good info on how to start.So,what kind of plants if I do this,what kind of plants for certian kinds of spring or summer do I need?Well,I know Spring is almost over.Summer will be arriving soon.


I think what I need in my life is new things,new and diffrent things in my life.I need to have some life in me,if you all know what I mean.I also like to get into my room and give it a good cleaning.I would like to paint my room,but,Dad wouldnt go for,so many things I need to and just havent found the courage to do it.Like I need to call my Doctor and let Him know about my shots.I may do that later.I havent had my shots in a long time and I can tell when I need them.My knees get very week and they get week,its hard for me to walk.I just dont feel like doing anything.I need to get this one bill strighten out.Anyways,I need to get offof here and get some things done.I hope you all have a nice day.I just want to note that its not rainy here or foggy here,I just feel like that so thats why I used thoes kinds of graffics,plus I wanted to use the April Shower one before April is safe and warm/kool out there.Peaceout.



Anonymous said...

Change can be very good. Why not try planting a vegi garden. Then at the end of the season you and your family fan feast on your harvest. I think I am going to go get some strawberries and some pumpkins! Yum

Anonymous said...

Good to be back reading the journals again and love the showers in your snags! Today is the best day to start changes in your life Mandy...go out and do something different every day, see something you never really looked at before and enjoy the little things around you. Take up painting, drawing or something that can peek your interest like decopaging things...crafts are wonderful ways of keeping the mind and hands occupied and what a better way to find out how creative you are :)))))))) Hugs from Doreen

Anonymous said...

Amanda, contact your local library and ask them about garden clubs.  I am sure a local garden club would be more than willing to help you learn about planting! or take out some books fromt he library, that is what I have been doing!  it really is fun!

Anonymous said...

here's a link I am using on gardening!
hope it helps!

Anonymous said...

Stopping by to say Hello!  Hope you had a good day & have a very good night.

Anonymous said...

I hope your feeling better soon. I know it's so hard sometimes to make changes but you'll do what  you have to do I'm sure. Hugs to you.