Saturday, April 21, 2007

Another stress eara.UUUUG!!!!!


On a beatiful day like today why I am always worrying about so much.I us got a bill in the mail,I been trying to send money every week and it just keeps piling up and I dont know what to do!!!!!!!!I will have to call Monday and talk to the billing person.He is always nice.Why is it,you cant stop worrying about one thing or the other?Cant there ever be a day without worring?I just wated to get this off my mind before I head out with my byfriend.Let me tell you,it is so nice out.I dont need to be worrying,cant do anything about the bill now till I talk to them on Monday.There are a few bills I need to wor on and it is stressing me out!!!!!!!!Any adieas?Peaceout till now.This graffic with my name in it,I would love to be there right



Anonymous said...

There is always something going on. Thats just life. I know for me if I just do what I can when I can and some how I make it.

Anonymous said...

I love that last graphic. Did you make it.

Anonymous said...

Where did you get the graphic it's really cute!  I love it!  Anyhow, as long as your paying at least 5.00 a month they cannot do anything to you.  Pay what you can eventually it will be gone :)