Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Part 2 of to be contuined


Good moring all,

Hope you all slept well.I slept ok.I just got off the phone from talking with my boyfrend,He just told me some upsetting news that I just couldnt belive.One of the Asst managers got fired last night,for stealing and She was drunk,just shocking to me,She was a really sweet person,still is.I am just so sad by this news.What makes a person do such a thing like that?That would cost your job? I just dont know what to think of it all.I know everyone will be talking about it today.You dont think of things like that,happening to good people like that.Just sad.But life goes on.


its still hard to belive in yourself when things like this happend and it makes you think.I hope She is well and will find peace in Her heart.I want to begin again with my contiuned story.I just wanted to let you all know what happend befoe I went on with my story.I also want to thank you all for your encourging words and good advice.now dont get me worng,I know there is alot of people more worse off than I am.I have alot to be thankful for.But yet,I still wonder what my life would be like.I know I need to get out there and just make things happen,but,it scares me so much to even think about getting out there and doing things for myself.Thats what I want more than anything.I want so much to have a happy life,do something spontainous and fun.What that is,I dont know.This is my life in a nut shell.I want to prove to people that I can make things happend,that I can make things change for my life,just dont know how,dont know were to begine.Were and how do I begin?I dont care if this journal is provate anymore or who reads it.They can think what they want to.


Yes,I want so much for someone to hold me and tell me its ok,my boyfriend would do that for me,but,I dont want that.I want things to happen.I want to stop worrying about everyday life.I am relizing now that you can be happy and still worry about things in life,is that right?My life consits of  going to work and comming home.Tell me more what can I do?My Mom was telling me last night that I need to get right right with God,get into church again.I am a christian and I do love the Lord,but,something about church,I just dont know.She tells me,if I get right with the Lord,tha maybe things will fall into place.I know She would like me to go to Her church,were I have been going a long time ago,but,just feel that church isnt right with me.I think something is worng with me.Well,this is it for me right no.I need to get off and get some things done.Have a nice day all.To be contiuned till next time.Be saf and warm and kool put therePeaceout.





Anonymous said...

Amanda you can do anything that you set your mind to. Just get in the morning and set your mind to doing it and go do it. I do hope that you have a great day.

Anonymous said...

that is sad what happened to that lady, she might have been going thru some rough things, u just never know what a person is going thru

Anonymous said...

I disagree with your mom.  I believe you can be happy and have a relationship with God--without having church.

Anonymous said...

Ya your right...it is scary and you can't force things to happen but someday your just going to say OH!!  Now I know what I'm suppose to be doing.  Your mom is right...I know first hand what religion can do.  Things always seem to go right when were doing what we are suppose to be doing...and then when we stop, things seem to get worse. Maybe it's just in my head but hey, if it gets better I don't care! lol  Well I hope things will work out for you and I will keep you in my prayers :)