Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sat Happenings.


Good moring to all!!!

Its time to wake up and smell the cofffee,or hot me,it would be hot cholate.Ask me why I am up so early?This is early for me was susposed to be working from 1 to 5,but,I am working 9 to 1,which is good for me.I havent had thoes hours in a very long


I know lately its been stressful for me at work and I been making a few mistakes,but,I am not perfect,they been jumping on me about it and I had mentioned something the other day,that when I cant finish my work is because I have to finish someone elses work,they stick up for that person and that just made me so dag on mad.I could not stand it.I know what they are doing and its not right.So,I am just going to bite my tounge and wait till they leave to go to another stoor.I cant wait till my Boss comes back.I will be so does hurt me that they will stick up for that person,because of the person being slow.That is so not right.I dont like it one bit.But I have to be kool about it and not say anything.I did raise my voice up a bit about it,because,She was telling me,no,dont bring Her in it,its not Her falt.Well fine,its not my falt,I didnt get it all done.


I feel all I been doing lately is making mistakes or they putting me for the blame on it.Well,they will see how I act towards everyone this moring when I come in.I will just go in,like I have been,not even really talking to anyone theeses days.Do my job and leave.Thats it.I am doing with know I been complaining about that alot lately.Sorry.Just have to get it off my mind.I have to get off here soon and get ready.It only takes me a few munites to get ready,even put makeup Moms Bday is this week,the 17,I know what She wants,so,I am going to go to Target today and get it.I will probllay give it to Her early.I hope you all have a nice weekend.Were headed for some bad weather,not sure what is going to happend.I say,globale warming is safe out there and be warm and kool.Peaceout.




Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is time to look for another job.  One where you would be much happier and not have all this stress.  Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Just keep smiling your old boss will be back soon!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your mom this week. I think the best thing to do is bite your tongue and wait to talk to your boss when he gets back. I know you are a good worker.

Anonymous said...

Hi !!!!!!!! I too love hot chocolate. I hope that work goes better for you. Do tell your mom Happy Birthday for me I hope she enjoys her day. I hope that you take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend. Bye for now.

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a good day at work & that your weekend id going good. Have a good night.

Anonymous said...

Mandy, hang in there.  I've had bosses like that before.  It's so darned unfair and so hard to go to work when people act that way.  I hope your old boss comes back soon.  Hope your mom likes your birthday gift.  HUGS  Chris