Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sat Happenings


Good moring all,

Hope you all had a god night.I slept good.I didnt feel like waking up thoe,sometimes you just want to sleep in all day,but,I couldnt,I have to get up and about in a little bit.Work went ok yesterday,execpt for a few people getting on my nerves.I tell you,I cant wait till my old Boss comes back.I hope She does,I am thinking now,SHe isnt,because I havent heard anything.But I am still hoping and praying.I know She wants to come back.


it was like one thing after another,so,most of the time,I just kept to myself and didnt say anything.How ever,the Boss and I got along ok,She was friendly,I was friendly,so,it was thing is,they are probllay laughing about it today,I was putting the topings on the muffins,I asked what went on the corn,Boss was joking,at the time,I was just trying to get it all done befre I left,so what I did was put sugar on the was like,oh,I didnt think you was going to do that.But we all laughed about it and I put corn meal on top of the all in all,it was an ok day.


It sure is a nice day out today,nice to be out,so,its to nice to stay in bed all day.I relize one thing,if I am in bed all day,my legs cramp up,specillay in the moring time when I first wake up.I havent had my shots in a about a month.I told my Doctor about it and He never called me back.So,dont know what to do about that.I cant find the number to get my shots.I could use a shot for Arthitis.Well,I guess I better get off of here and get a few things done.I try to to find the right pics for my entry.I guess I didnt do to


I hope you all have a nice weekend.Be safe and warm and kool out there.Peaceout.



Anonymous said...

I am glad that you were able to joke around with your boss! It sounds like things went better for you today. I do hope that you have a great day!

Anonymous said...

It was great to read you and others got to joke with your boss, such a change.  Hope your weekend is the best...and my prayers are that the leg cramps go need to be out enjoying the beautiful day...have a great weekend.
Hugs and love,