Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday happenings.


Good moring all,

Hope you all having a good Sunday.It sure is nice out today.I am not going to do much here today,just relax and be dont usllay do anything when Gary has enventory,which means He works early Sunday moring and goes back in on Sunday night from 11 to 7 in the moring.A long day/night for Him.He does that about every 4 to 5 weeks.Hes not really susposed to be doing that,His Boss is,but,He does it.


So basicllay,I am going to be lazy today,maybe strighten my room up a bit and maybe start a new craft I bought yesterday at the craft stoor.I want to learn how to make thoes ribbons.I wanted to get the VT colors,but,they was all out.So,I got a few other colors and some neat ribbon with some sayings on it.I have a question for everyone?Does anyone know all the colors for all the awarness illness and things for like Vt?I have pink an I know pink is for Cancer,anything for purple?


Not much else to do,I still have alot to think about,I am going to my Sycolgist,I know,I spelled that worng.He is the one who gives me meds,still been dealing with alot of stress and I feel I need a stronger med.anyone have any ideas?well,I am sure my Dado wants on my,I am going to get off of here and give it to Him for a while.If anyone does have any ideas that I should ask my Doc tommrow,let me know.I hope you all have a beatiful day today.Enjoy.I am going to rest.My hands are hurting a bit.Be safe out and warm and kool out there.Peaeout.



Anonymous said...

it is very nice weather today.

Anonymous said...

stopping by to check out ur journal. good luck with getting stronger meds and also I hope you have fun with your new craft

Anonymous said...

I do hope that you have fun learning a new craft. I just love to learn new things!