Thursday, June 28, 2007

What are you waiting for?Read on.LOL.

Good moring all,

I hope you all slept well.I slept pretty good.My Doctors app went well yesterday.I liked them alot.They were 2 Doctors,I saw the lady Doc,it was Her first day being a Doctor.LOL.She came in and sat down and went over my letter.she gave me something for depression,it also helps me to sleep and it hleps with the pain.Its called,Cymbalta 20Mg,I took it last night and it really helped me sleep.I felt pretty good waking up this moring.

She also gave me a pain med,which is a strong one.she only gave me 15 pills.I go back to see Her in 3 weeks.I told Her about my eating problem,She prescribed me the purple pill,if it doesnt help,they will probllay do something about it.I also got my easr cleaned out and boy I can hear alot better now.LOL.I can hear them pop.

They wanted to take some blood work from me and I told them the problem,that my insurance didnt cover it and I am already paying a big bill from it.But they said they would look into it.So,that is good.The doctor lady was talking to me and telling me that I have to start doing things for myself,to make me happy,feeling better about myself,meeting new people.Which I told Her scares me.Why I dont know.

Were have you heard that before?Its just hard and I want to,but,to scared to do that.I am hoping the medicine I am taking will help.I will tell you one thing,my hands still hurt.Other than that,I am doing good.Oh,I was susposed to go into work at 2 and my boyfriend calls and tells me that,Boss lady wants me in at 12,She also said,that,She can count on me.I really hope this Boss stays.Anyways,I better get off of here and get a few things done.I hope you all have a nice day.Be safe and kool out there.Peaceout.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you really got a good doctor. She listened real well. That is great. Many doctors don't even listen to what you say. Do you like to go to the zoo? That would be a good place to go, even with your boyfriend. Animals make you laugh and that might help you feel better. I love to go to the zoo and see all the animals... I have to be careful though because they might lock me up in a cage too!!! lol he he he Hope you have an easy day at work. Prayers, Janie

Anonymous said...

step up came on last night and i missed it.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had a good doctor visit and she heard your concerns....
do you and your boyfriend like to go for walks... a nice walk around the neighborhood would be a fun thing to do and you might meet some neighbors without even trying...
Have a good day!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that this doctor was more helpful. Yes sometimes it is hard to get out there. However like I tell my children live is shrt play hard.... go get the world because no one will give it to you.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy you saw your new doctor...and all went well.  Hope that med continues to help you relax, and sleep well.  A good nights sleep is a blessing in this house.  Hard to come by.  Hope you have a wonderful Friday...and a great Thursday evening...hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Answering your question on my journal. It is good to go to church but if you can't you can watch church on TV. Adrian Rodgers is excellent. Or David Jeramia. Once you start praying for your enemies you find out that God helps take away the bad feelings that you have for them. He helps you to not think a lot about them. When we let our enemies, like the girl you are working with ruin our day, that is not good. She would enjoy knowing that she ruined your day. But when you don't worry about her... then she can not ruin your day. They hurt you because they can. If you ignore her and pray for her she can not hurt you. Hard to explain, but once you pray like that you will see how it helps. You do not have to go to church to be a Christian. You just have to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and know that He was God's only son. Email me if you wish. Loving you, Janie

Anonymous said...

Hi Mandy... so glad you brought yourself to the doctor, and they listened to you! It's always up to you to take yourself to the doctor when you have those kinds of symptoms. You did hte right thing... and now you have meds that are helping with the sleep at night.  I have trouble sleeping at night in general, but if I were in pain on top of that, I would need meds. Sleep deprivation causes a lot of our stresss problems. Maybe it takes awhile for the pain meds to work on the arthritis. But if they don't, I'd call the doctor in a week and let them know. Als, thank you for being a regular visitor in my journal and leaving comments. I would love for you to leave a link to your journal whenever you visit, though. Makes is easier for me to find you so I can reply. Take care, and have a good week, bea

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad the doc appt went well, Mandy! Congrats!
loving you