Sunday, June 24, 2007

One more thing.


One more thing,

I am seeing my Arthitis Doctor tommrow,and I have alot to tell Him.He knows,I am taking Pain Killers and I take more than one at times,because,it helps me get through the night,at night,is the worst,I cant sleep and my legs hurt at night.I want to tell Him,I need them,maybe He can give me a stronger dose,so,I wouldnt have to only but take one or 2.Do you all have any advice?I am under alot of stress and I need something to help me get through the night.The day isnt any better.So,I am going to sit down tonight and write what I want to say.If you all have any advice,let me know.He may think I dont need them,but I do.Anyways,i have to get off of here and get things done.Have a nice day.



Anonymous said...

Mandy, my advice is to tell him EXACTLY how you feel, how much you hurt.  Write everything down.  Tell him what you are taking.  He needs to know.  Let me know how it goes if you can.  Love you!! xox

Anonymous said...

Taking too much of any medication isn't safe, nor mixing meds, unless your Dr knows. Just be honest about how you feel, your level of pain and have the Dr prescribe something stronger. Maybe mix that with some meditative techniques to help quell the pain you are feeling. I'll be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, let your doctor know. Last night my right leg was hurting so bad that I was crying! I called everyone that was still awake and asked for prayer. It finally quit hurting. I have to sleep with 2 pillows between my legs every night so my left leg does not hurt. They took MRI of lower back but could not find anything?? Left leg hurt for 4 years just when I laid down. You are in my prayers, Janie