Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Time to move on.


Good moring all,hope you all had a good nights rest.I slept ok,could of been better.I will sleep better tonight when I get my meds.This above graffic says it all.I am still trying to heal from a broken is still so hard for me to keep on thinking of past hurts.I cant seem to let them go.I also cant undestand why when thoes who have hurt me,think I am this bad person.I am not a bad person.I admit,I have made many mistakes.But I have been hurt to,but do they know that?No.


I am tired of reflecting on the past hurts and I dont want to do it much hurt,to much pain.I guess sometimes you the people you love so much,you have to let them go.You know the saying,if its mean to be,its mean to be,if not,let it go.But what I want to say is they dont know me,yes,as I have said before,I made many mistakes,cant take back what I have said and done.I am not perfect,neither or you.No matter the hurt and the pain has between us,I know we will always be family.Maybe not close,thats ok,sometimes family doesnt have to be close.But I know we are still family.


As the saying goes,This to shall pass.It will pass,our hearts will heal.God will heal our hearts.I am moving on even thoe it still hurts.But I cant keep on reflecting on the past.I dont know what it is going to take to heal my heart.But it will heal.Just know,I love you and always will.time to move on.have a nice day safe and kool out there.Peaceout.



Anonymous said...

Good choice to move on.  We all have been there in one way or the other and we all move on.  Sometimes it's hard to forgive and forget that's for sure!  Good luck to you and stay well!  

Anonymous said...

Funny, as soon as I clicked save on my comment to you, I GOT a comment from you lol.  I guess we commented the same time.  Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, sweetie.  ((((((((((hugs and prayers for you)))))))))))  I've realized there is only a cerain amount of reflecting back on painful hurts that is helpful.  When I know I understand what happened as best I am able and when I am working on making changes in me to try and correct my mistakes, when I have done all I can do to make amends, then I turn to move on in the grieving process.  Because camping out in the pain simply keeps me emotionally stuck there and unable to move on.  Sometimes the problem can't be fixed because somebody else is unwilling to forgive.  We can't make them do it.  But we can pray for them and still care about them.  And we can ask the Lord to teach us what He wants us to learn from this experience and be willing to learn it.  May He bless your heart today with His comfort and strength and give you joy in Him.
loving you

Anonymous said...

you are so right. Its just time to let it all go. Forget everything and everybody that hurt you dont dwell on it because you are a damn good woman! Let it go.

Anonymous said...

First time for me to read your journal. Yes, it is sooo hard to close the door on bad memories and a broken heart! It took a long time for me, and I still have to work on it!! Always something comes to mind and I just have to close the door or my whole day will be ruined, and for others too. I have not read your journal but see your comments in Barb's and others. Thought I would just drop by and take a peak! lol Will put you on alerts. You always seem to say such nice comments on other journals. I feel like you are a very loving person but don't we all have faults???  lol Prayers for you, Janie  

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you're in such pain.  I think you've taken a step towards healing by realizing you need to let go.  I've been hurt too by those I have loved.  Sometimes, I have to get up each day and forgive all over again.  Not because they deserve to be forgiven, but because I deserve to be happy.  Holding onto anger and hurt will often lead to bitterness.  Bitterness will lead to sickness and at the end of the day not forgiving will hurt yourself the most.  I hope you will find your way, God Bless!

Anonymous said...

It is hard to close the door on the past, but if you don't you can never enjoy and look foward to the future. I do hope that you sleep better tonight.

Anonymous said...

im sorry ur hurting, I hope u feel better soon