Friday, June 8, 2007

TGIF!!!Thank goodness its payday.LOL.


Good moring all,

I hope you all slept well.I could of slept better,but,it was ok.I guess I was so tired from working 8 hours.That was a long day,even thoe it went fast.I had so much to do at work.Never relize how messy that place can be,when of the other co workers,doesnt even use soap to mop the floor with,I am the only one who does.Let me tell you,that is a big job in itself.LOL.


People are so lazy and they dont care,they just want to get it done and leave.So,now I will be working every Thursday from 12 to 8,which is ok by me.But its just a long tiring day.I had to strighten up the dang kooler,because of another co worker,who I keep on telling Her to line up the racks,She just puts them all over the place.I go in there,strighten them up and bang my fingers on the racks,that hurts like anything and feels like you have broken your fingers.And they get so red.But she is slow and I have to remember,She doesnt listen at all.Uuuuug.But that day is over and today is Friday,I am glad,because it is also payday.Woooooohoooooo.LOL.I only work from 2 to 6,which is a good thing,I am not staying any long,because I go back in tommrow at 8.


I relize something,when I keep myself busy,I am not worrying so much about everything.I am really going to have to sit down and bite the dust about things.If you all know what I mean.LOL.Let me all tell you,I WANT AND NEED A VACTION NOW!!!!I need some more time with my Honey,we dont get to spend as much as time now,with working diffrent hours.I get at least 2 days with HIm.But things will change for the better.I hope.LOL.thank you all for always allowing me to vent my feelings out,you all are so kind and caring.I love you all so much.Well,I been laying in bed to long and I need to get off of here and do a few things.I hope you all have a nice weekend.Let me know if you all did anything fun for me,ok?LOL.One more thing,I do hope the Boss understood that I didnt have enough time to do what She wanted me to do,so,I left Her a note.LOL.Just moping that stupid floor took most of my time.Be safe and kool out there.Looks like its going to be a hot weekend.Peaceout.




Anonymous said...

I will remember your work load in my prayers. The guy who is doing my roof said it is hard to find men to work. So sorry about your fingers. The little graphic is very cute... looks like me of a morning!! I am a night person! Wishing you a lovely weekend with fun and rest. Janie

Anonymous said...

The next time you and Gary have a day off together, go take a day trip! I love those!

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend and get started on that list and just do one thing a week in between all the working, so you'll have one fun thing to look forward to...
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you see you are so cheerful, its good to keep busy.  Yes, it would be lovely if you and your boyfriend could get away on a holiday, you'll have to start planning it.  Hope you have a good weekend.  Hugs, Terry x

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda, thanks for stopping by my journal.
I tell ya, my coworkers test my patience at times.
Have yourself a good weekend. :) Delaine