Sunday, July 2, 2006

letting it all hang out once

I had alot of thinking to do,which I am going to try and sit here to put this as nicly as I can.I cant belive to think I have been so gulable to let people walk over,tl let people tell me what to do,thinking that I am this horable person,that I am not a christian,a child of God.Please,they dont know me,they dont know the kind person I can be,they have never gotton to know me,they dont want to know me,all they want to know about me is that I am this nad person,that I am evil,I crush peoples hearts.What ever.that is not what I do.I am not that kind of person.They can keep on and keep on trying to get to me,scare me do what ever they want to do.It woant work no more.I am a big person,I can fight my own battles.I am not scared anymore,thats all they was trying to do is scare me,tll me they didnt need to hear whats in my journal,what is in my journal,will stay in my journal.Of all the pettyness and the lies and everyone thinking you are incoent,you are not,and I dont care what your friend thinks,what she can do to me.This has all gotton to me,because I have had such a bad week and I am just letting it out.THIS IS MY JOURNAL,I CAN DO AND WRITE WHAT EVER I WANT.I think if people are so petty and want to relive in the past,than there not actullay over there past.For me,I made peace with the people I love in my life,they have forgiven me and we have move on.I love my family,I have a good family,who is there for me,cares about me,doesnt judge me,doesnt think I am a bad person.I have wonderful friends.No,I am not perfect,I made plenty of mistakes,even asked for forgivness.I done my part.You can sit there and think I am stupid,my journal is stupid,you can sit there and think the only reason I have this up is for some people in my family to read it,but thats not true.I have other deep feelings inside of me,that I am trying to let go.I really dont need to explain any of this,but feel the need I need to.Not just for anyone,but for me.I know what is going on,I finally have figured it all out and I aint scared no more.I was just stupid,to think that people can get a hold of and I would listen.BUT NO MORE,I SAY,NO MORE.I am moving on with my life,I am happy,makin peace with my life,I have all I need in my life.

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