Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Wed Happenings.


Good moring all,

Hope you all had a good night sleep.I slept good to.I love this above graffic.It has alot of meaning to it.I have come to relize in my life what I need for me,Its been a long road and I know I still have a long road to go.But I am relizing more things now than I have before.I know that some things just cant be.Its for the best.


Time and time things have happend,I just cant let it happend again.I know the games that are being played.I know whats going on now.You think I dont know,but,I do.I feel like I am always the blame for everything,no one sees my side,but,I am sticking up for me and I have to.I dont care what they say anymore.This is my life,no one can put words in my mouth.I am not going to be sorry anymore.Its just to  much.I am trying to let this all go for the good.I know its for the good in my life that I dont need someone like you to bring me down,to know ou can hurt me with your words,you think you know everything,you think you are right about eveything.You dont know me,its all about you,isnt it?Well,no more.This is my life,I have to do whats best for me now.I have to let you go,is what I should done a long time ago,but,I am doing it now.You cant ever see what you do.You make me out to be the bad person.So,I say,so long,good bye,I do hope and pray you have a good life.Maybe down the road,not anytime now,maybe,we can be civil.Thats all I have to say.I iss some people in my life more now than I have ever,dont know why,this is not you.I do miss you,but,I cant have you back in my life even thoe you cant have me back in your life.So this is for the best.God bless you and your family.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

words can be very hurtful, and yes we all need someone to believe in us! It is like a shot of energy and encouragement.