Wednesday, May 9, 2007

looking for ideas.

Hi all,

Its me again.I am having a good start of the day this moring.I wanted to talk about my health,maybe someone out there in J-land out there in cyber space can give me some ideas on how I can better my health.I have had Arthitis all my life,since I was little,but,didnt get really bad till I started working in the bakery.Working on hard floors doesnt help.I do have to take shots every other week for Arthitis,called Hurima,which now I can get them free.That is a blessing.But I want to know if anyone has ever had problems with there knees always being swelled up all the time?Do you have any ideas to get the swelling to go down?I know I need to start to get my health in order,just dont know how to do that.I know I dont take very good care of myself with my eating habbits.I worry about my health,my knees,my hands,which I use alot at work and on the puter.I am almost 35,will be May 13.I feel like I am already old,all I want to do is when I get home from work or out with the boyfriend is lay in bed and watch Tv.I used to do so many things.So were do I  begin?I know I drink alot of sodas.I just wanted to know if anyone out there has any ideas at all.Thank you!!!!!I do love and care for you all so much.Peaceout.


Anonymous said...

My husband has very bad knees, He wears only shoes/ boots that give him great support.

Anonymous said...

Well Amanda, you've seen my journal on my weight loss challenge.  I think the best advice I can give is that any diet will work, you just have to follow it, and then make some simple life style changes that promote good health.  Speaking from experience here, I know that is easier said than done!  I like Reader's Digest "Change One" diet concept.  So often, people go on crash diets and try to change their whole life in one day.  They usually fail.  However, with the "Change One" concept, it helps you to focus on one change per week over a period of time (12 weeks, I believe).  Too much change all at once can be overwhelming, one or even two changes a week can work.  But you have to want to change your life and make it happen.  I'm not quite there yet myself, but I'm hopeful someday I will be.  I know there is a thin and healthy person somewhere inside me, lol.  Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

hopefully someone can help, wish i could. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

As you know, I am grossly overweight, have tried almost every diet...many work, but I don't have the will power to stick them out.
I have awfully bad knees, from all the yrs on a cocrete floor as a nurse & being so fat. My knees are swollen all the time too, I usually put a heating pad around them at night & that seems to help a little & wear good shoes & try to elevate them when you can. Mine are down to bone rubbing bone, the cartlage is gone. I need total knees but am too fat to qualify.
Hope you find some relief, have you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hey Huggy!!

I agree with the others.. GOOD shoes is a MUST for you ,your knees and ultimately your health. Having good support for your feet, which holds up the rest of your body, can really make a difference!
:)  And if possible ask about getting mats to stand on, they have good cushy ones for jobs like yours. The store should provide them. Ask your boss and find out.  I'm sure you aren' the only one that feels the effects of standing on concrete floors all day, so the others that work there would probably like that also.
Secondly.... I'm not gonna tell you to DIET... but I will advise you to make some food changes. Simple things like giving up coke/sodas can make a difference in how you feel. If you are really drinking a lot of it , you might drop a few pounds but just replacing it with something else, like Flavored waters.They are pretty good and good for you.
Eat more fruits and veggies and try to eat at regular meal times. Little things like that add up... well that's My 2 cents.. : )

Anonymous said...

I have arthritis in both knees--as well as swelling and subluxations of the patella(my knee cap jumps off track--I need a knee replacement but I'm too young).
Honestly--I've done lots of things over the years to help

Garlic and ginger tablets helped with the swelling when you take them regularly

Glucosamine and chondroitin help with the swelling and pain if you take them regularly

I sleep with a pillow under my knees and between my legs so it keeps the pressure off of them when I sleep--which helps.

I liked celebrex--but am afraid to take it--so I take ibuprofen for the pain and swelling when it gets bad--I take 800 mgs 3 times a day when it's really bad.

I have these things called heel cups in my shoes--I got them at footsmart ( and you put them in your shoes and they keep your knee in alignment.

Wearing good shoes all the time helps as well--my knees ache more when I wear flip flops (although I'm stubborn and still do it).

You just have to find what works for you and do it.

good luck