Monday, March 24, 2008

My Happienings.


Hi all,

I hope everyone is having a good day.I am doing alot better than I did yesterday.I was sick,Imean,I felt deadly sick.I helped get read for Easter Lunch,than,I just went to my Bed and slept.I am going to go see a diffrent Doctor today and show Her the Medicine and See what She thinks about it.I just couldnt take it.But I am feeling better.I am sitting here writting a 4 page letter.LOL.Its a long one.LOL.I cant wait to get in there and see Her.This si a good thing.


Getting off the subject,my Sister came up to my room yesterday,while,I was sleeping and gave me a cute Easter Stuff Anamial.I have sitting right besides me.We usllay get eachither something and I told Her I was sorry I didnt get Her anything.She said,its ok,I dont want you getting my anything.I said thank you and I loved Her.One thing about me and my Sister,we are close and we will alwys be there for eachother.She is the one that I will go to,if anything happend to my parents.But I know my parents will be living for a long time.LOL.Anyways,I am going to get ooff of here and get cleaned up.Oh yeah,before I go.I wanted to let you all know,I dont wrte much in this Journal.I will write from time to time.If anyone wants to know anything,please emal me.I do love you all.But I feel if some people want to know certian things about my life,how I m feeling,with my health,they should email me.This has nothing to do with my J-land friends or my oline friends.I lvoe you all.e safe and warm out there.Peaceout.



Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you were sick over Easter...but what a sweet thing your sister did for you...I know it made your day.  You feel better...get plenty of rest.  I have been constantly on the go all morning and need to catch up with your other journal too..and I will...many hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Sorry you felt so bad yesterday.Glad you are writing everything down for the Doc.That always helps,cause when they sit there and look you in the eye and say now tell me what's the problem--everything escapes the mind-at leasdt mine,LOL.
Hope you're feeling better'Many hugs

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you Amanda.  Do what you have to do to get well and if you need anything, give me a
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

Happy belated Easter!
Sorry you felt so sick!!!
Thank you so much for my birthday surprise!!!
I just got it today!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwww Mandy, I sure hope you are feeling better by now, Big Hugs to you hon, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better than yesterday. Awww that was nice your mom gave you a Easter animal. :-) You are in my prayers Amanda. Hugs, Janie

Anonymous said...

I do hope that all goes well today.That was so sweet of your sister!